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What kind of shape is your vehicle in? I ask #1 because you will need a dependable vehicle for the 5 year duration of your Chapter 13 (if you have to replace it you would have to get Trustee permission first) and #2 it seems like a vehicle payment could be the difference in your being able to file a Chapter 7.
Point blank ASK the attorney tomorrow before you sign anything if a new car is something you should consider and if you get a car with a payment of ~$450/month if he thinks you can file a Chapter 7.
Good luck.
Wow, a car payment is $450/month? Is that with GOOD credit? I've never bought a new car but the last time I had a car payment it was about $200/month. I am never going to be able to afford a car and mine is 15 years old now. I think I better plan on moving somewhere where the bus is more conveinent.
Wow, a car payment is $450/month? Is that with GOOD credit? I've never bought a new car but the last time I had a car payment it was about $200/month. I am never going to be able to afford a car and mine is 15 years old now. I think I better plan on moving somewhere where the bus is more conveinent.
Borrowing $25,000 for 5 years at 7.5% (with no money down) would compute to a monthly payment of ~$500.00 per month.
New cars are expensive and do depreciate quickly. A payment for one of the new cars (hopefully with their 5 year bumper to bumper warranties) are one of the necessary evils people on a budget (like a Chapter 13 requires) depend on to keep their expenses level.
Some dealers offer really good deals and warranties on 'certified' used cars, too.
You will be able to afford another car - it will just take a bit of planning and perseverance! {{{hugs}}}
~~ Filed Over Median Income Chapter 7: 12/17/2010 ~~ 341 Held: 1/12/2011 ~~ Discharged: 03/16/2011 ~~