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Depends on family size. This is why we never eat out. As a family of 5, even fast food costs at least $25 per trip anymore....It's outrageous!
Boyfriend and I still eat out once or twice a month (used to be once a week) and the cost is anywhere around $15 to $25 for the 2 of us. But then, we usually eat about 1/2, and take the rest home for a second meal.
Good point Des. As many here know, I am against "orchestrative" bankruptcy. To me it is tantamount to "working the system". BK7 particularly is total liquidation except for the exemptions of necessities. to have a bankroll in the bank and not do the "right thing" is just plainly corrupt. If you have a bit in a bank nothing wrong with stocking up with a reasonable amount of exempt stuff. Food, clothing, warmth. But to BANK ROLL future expenses is "money in the bank" with an attempt to beat the system. Either pay the bills owed, then cave to BK, or work out of the financial problem that we all know, we caused upon ourselves due to our unwise actions.
Hiding assets in any way, is detectable, and dishonest. My opinion. 'Hub
Spending assets in legitimate ways is not hiding assets, its about making priorities ... fixing my house or car or buying needed items ... or even that needed vacation ... if the money is going to be spent on someone, I'll easily advise the clients keep use their money for themselves.
The banks and credit card companies are not very sympathetic "victims" in this regard. The banks have been bailed out, charge usurious interest rates, and pay lobbyists to gain every advantage over consumers. My clients can spend their money (wisely) on themselves in preference to their creditors. I tell them to let me worry about the moral implications of not paying their creditors (and you don't need to guess whose side I come down on).