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Depends on what you are looking for. Pacer lists everything going on in your case, also a charge for everything you look at. National data center is free and will list the creditors slowly. It is good for seeing your payments posted and payments made to your creditors.
The National Data Center provides three categories of information: Case Summary, Claims Summary, and Case Ledger. For cases that are confirmed and going well, that is probably all the information a debtor would need. In cases where there are lots of modifications and motions going on, PACER might tend to be more intensive with running notes and records of various proceedings, because interested third parties will go to PACER for their information.
National Data Center is for confirmed plans and is all about the payments and distribution...frankly, national data center is ENTIRELY USELESS to the debtor.
PACER is the actual case management system for the bankruptcy court...most debtors really don't need to access it...but for the OCD types, it can make them sleep a little easier
National Data Center is for confirmed plans and is all about the payments and distribution...frankly, national data center is ENTIRELY USELESS to the debtor.
Very well said.
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