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Student loans paypack?

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    Student loans paypack?

    So I filed my 13 about a year and a half ago. I filed on credit cards and my car (but kept my car, paid it though the 13). I also included my student loans. I know those arent dischargeable, but I thought they were not going to get paid on either. Well today I received my car title in the mail, so my car is paid off. I went onto the National Data Center and seen that my student loans are being sent money. Dont really care, Im just curious if this is what is supposed to happen?

    I thought student loans are left alone, is it normal for them to get money in a chapter 13? Thanks!
    Chapter 13 Filed: August 17, 2009
    341 Meeting: September 29, 2009

    I'm in a 13 and one of the main reasons I filed was because my atty said that my student loans would be included. I was thrilled that they would be paid off within 4 years instead of like 20!!! So, to answer your question, yes, student loans do get paid in your plan.
    filed chpt 13 05/09
    payback 100%
    projected completion date 09/13!!! Actually completed 1/14 (4.5 years)


      Student loans get paid along with your other unsecured creditors. Student loans have no special status in BK-13, but they are treated as Class IV creditors, general unsecured and receive their proportionate dividend from your monthly payment.


        great thanks!! I thought I was gonna be done with my 13 in a year or so and have a extra large student loan payment due to the interest. Now I feel a little better knowing that some of it may be paid off by the time I get done. Thank you everyone for your information.

        I dont believe mine will be totally paid off as I had like over 100k of student loans, so Im sure I will resume once my 3 years is up. Thanks again
        Chapter 13 Filed: August 17, 2009
        341 Meeting: September 29, 2009


          My Trustee told me since I was over the median income no payments would be made on my student loans :-(
          19% dividend


            Originally posted by debtinohio View Post
            My Trustee told me since I was over the median income no payments would be made on my student loans :-(
            HHM is correct and you may have misunderstood your Trustee. Student loans are general unsecured debt. If there is a "pie" to be paid to general unsecured creditors AND the student loan lender timely filed a claim, the lender will share in the distribution. If the lender failed to file a timely claim the lender will not receive any payment under the Plan. Regardless, what does not get paid will survive the discharge assuming you do not seek to have the debt discharged due to hardship.



              My student loan is included in my plan but I pay it on my own outside of my trustee's payment. I make the same payment amount I made before my ch13 and I have never missed a payment plus it counted as a monthly expense. I really like it this way as it will be less than $7K when I finish my ch13 and I haven't been racking up all that interest these past 3 years. But I don't think mine is the norm; however, after confirmation, my trustee who never asks for anything from me did verify that I was paying it as stated in my plan. But what stinks, that since I'm in a ch13 the loan servicer considers it in default although I never missed a payment and as a result my interest rate went from 4.5 percent up to 6 percent. Go figure.
              CH13 filed 5/21/09; 341 6/17/09; confirmed 7/14/09]
              Discharged: 7/25/12


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