My husband took a buy out from GM over 20 yrs ago when his plant shut down but was still able to draw a small pension check from them beginning at age 62. One week after we filled CH 13 we receive a letter telling us that he has been over paid more than $14,000 and his benifits were being reduced beginning March 1 by $200. If we don't send a check for the $14,000 right away (and we won't be!) they will reduce the new benefit by 1/2 until it is paid. This will result in more than a $300 a month lost income until the year 2025. Since he drew less than $400 anyway, this pretty much wipes out the income from this source.
I have a call into my attorney, but he hasn't called back yet. Does anyone know if this can be added into our plan instead of being paid through the deductions. I'm really worried what this will do to our plan, our 341 is scheduled 2/28. Our proposed plan is $1049/mo. for 46 months w/1% going to unsecured creditors.
Thanks for any help you can give, looking for the silver lining...
I have a call into my attorney, but he hasn't called back yet. Does anyone know if this can be added into our plan instead of being paid through the deductions. I'm really worried what this will do to our plan, our 341 is scheduled 2/28. Our proposed plan is $1049/mo. for 46 months w/1% going to unsecured creditors.
Thanks for any help you can give, looking for the silver lining...