Well, this has been the toughest 5 year stretch of my life for sure. I can't lie when I say my car is a piece of crap, but I love it for getting me through these times. I'm going to pimp the 2001 GrandPrix out with my extra cash and fix all those things I've neglected on, being broke all the time,just to say thanks for not breaking down on me and my children. My kids that live with their Mom are going to get more stuff from Dad. I'll never carry debt that is not secured again. I will live beyond my means, and be responsible. I have looked at these years as a prison sentence for spending unwisely. My Karma, and I'm almost caught up with it financially. It's getting clearer to me how important it was to stay with it, and how lucky I am for having employment. Good Luck to you all. I really never knew until recently the success rate was soooo low on 13's. Now, I'm glad I didn't. It would have made me depressed even more. But now, life is looking really really positive.