Here's the quick version, I filed 13 in July my confirmation has been pushed out twice now due to attorney mistakes but now scheduled for confirmation Dec 9th.
Mid October I was doing some work for my neighboring farmer as a trade off for money I owed him I've operated farm equipment on and off for the past 33 yrs. That evening while moving the tractor and planter down the road an oncoming car crashed into the planter nearly killing the driver. I recently found out he is out of the hospital now but requires a couple more surgeries. I would be foolish to think a law suit is not coming from this and I immediately informed my attorney but he showed no concern and thought their was no need to delay the bk. I can't help but think I should not confirm and wait this out to see if I get sued, I have no insurance to cover any of this but the owner has ins and says he will be ok either way. his insurance already replaced the planter which was totaled. Do you think this mans attorney will see I'm bk and not fool with me? I definately don't want to have a garnishment to pay a judgment after paying a 13 for 5 yrs. Or could I proceed wth the 13 and convert to 7 if he wins a judgment. I really only opted for the 13 to strip my 2nd lein. things look different now from this angle.
Oh I just found out yesterday my homeowners dropped me, the letter didn't state any reason why.
Mid October I was doing some work for my neighboring farmer as a trade off for money I owed him I've operated farm equipment on and off for the past 33 yrs. That evening while moving the tractor and planter down the road an oncoming car crashed into the planter nearly killing the driver. I recently found out he is out of the hospital now but requires a couple more surgeries. I would be foolish to think a law suit is not coming from this and I immediately informed my attorney but he showed no concern and thought their was no need to delay the bk. I can't help but think I should not confirm and wait this out to see if I get sued, I have no insurance to cover any of this but the owner has ins and says he will be ok either way. his insurance already replaced the planter which was totaled. Do you think this mans attorney will see I'm bk and not fool with me? I definately don't want to have a garnishment to pay a judgment after paying a 13 for 5 yrs. Or could I proceed wth the 13 and convert to 7 if he wins a judgment. I really only opted for the 13 to strip my 2nd lein. things look different now from this angle.
Oh I just found out yesterday my homeowners dropped me, the letter didn't state any reason why.