I previously posted this question in General Bankruptcy Talk, but no one responded
Maybe it should be here instead. Moderator pleased delete my other if I've posted too many times.
We have yet to file-retained atty in March. Received a $9000.00 tax refund also in March. Atty said spend it-don't let it sit in our account, but don't spend it not on vacations or flat screen TV type of items. We used some for the atty fees, some for a down payment for a used car and the rest went for getting caught up on a delinquent cable bill, electricity, food. I also put $1000.00 into my daughters acct to pay for her Jr college classes and books. She paid for the classes and will get all the books once school starts. She also just started a part time job to help buy her school supplies and pay for the next semester of school, being we won't have to the money to help her. My question is: will the trustee go into her account and take back what little money she's made? I know Calif has different rules regarding tax refunds, so I'm hoping they won't drain her account. She was so happy to get her first check, it would make me so sad to see them take it from her.
We have yet to file-retained atty in March. Received a $9000.00 tax refund also in March. Atty said spend it-don't let it sit in our account, but don't spend it not on vacations or flat screen TV type of items. We used some for the atty fees, some for a down payment for a used car and the rest went for getting caught up on a delinquent cable bill, electricity, food. I also put $1000.00 into my daughters acct to pay for her Jr college classes and books. She paid for the classes and will get all the books once school starts. She also just started a part time job to help buy her school supplies and pay for the next semester of school, being we won't have to the money to help her. My question is: will the trustee go into her account and take back what little money she's made? I know Calif has different rules regarding tax refunds, so I'm hoping they won't drain her account. She was so happy to get her first check, it would make me so sad to see them take it from her.