I'm getting ready to file Chapter 13 pro se. I just can't afford a lawyer.
In the past two years I have received $3k back each year thanks to the earned income credit. I am self employed so this is truly a 'credit' and not a refund (i.e. it wasn't taken out of my check during the year). I am planning to count this as income under my proposed plan, which means it will be paid out to creditors under the plan. I am assuming that this will pass the muster and the Trustee will not try to 'take' this refund/credit each year, since it's already included, is that correct?
Secondly, I have a question about cramming down a car loan. I owe around $12k, the vehicle is worth $6k trade in value, but worth $8-$10k 'retail on he car lot' value depending on whether you use NADA or Kelly. Which figure do I use?
Lastly, my eldest child is graduating high school next week, and my child support will drop $300/month (I will still receive child support for our younger child). Since income is based on the last 6 months, will I still be safe using the new child support figures when I state my income?
In the past two years I have received $3k back each year thanks to the earned income credit. I am self employed so this is truly a 'credit' and not a refund (i.e. it wasn't taken out of my check during the year). I am planning to count this as income under my proposed plan, which means it will be paid out to creditors under the plan. I am assuming that this will pass the muster and the Trustee will not try to 'take' this refund/credit each year, since it's already included, is that correct?
Secondly, I have a question about cramming down a car loan. I owe around $12k, the vehicle is worth $6k trade in value, but worth $8-$10k 'retail on he car lot' value depending on whether you use NADA or Kelly. Which figure do I use?
Lastly, my eldest child is graduating high school next week, and my child support will drop $300/month (I will still receive child support for our younger child). Since income is based on the last 6 months, will I still be safe using the new child support figures when I state my income?