Well, as you can see by our new updated signature line, we were finally confirmed (verified by PACER about 20 minutes ago)!
THANK YOU so much to everyone here for your advice, information, and (most importantly) the support! When I look at where my wife and I were at the beginning of the process and compare it to now, it is unbelieviable how much of our lives we have regained.
Fourteen (14) payments down, and twenty two (22) to go! We aren't out of the proverbial woods yet, but we have a map, compass, and a new pair of hiking boots!
THANK YOU so much to everyone here for your advice, information, and (most importantly) the support! When I look at where my wife and I were at the beginning of the process and compare it to now, it is unbelieviable how much of our lives we have regained.
Fourteen (14) payments down, and twenty two (22) to go! We aren't out of the proverbial woods yet, but we have a map, compass, and a new pair of hiking boots!