hi. received amended schedule C from my lawyer due to errors on his part, however I have concerns that he hasnt really answered and I dont know if he's right or if I'm right.
On Schedule B - it says to list all property, and he has - however on our Schedule C, there is our Camper that is missing, its not listed anywhere on it. Its paid off and he was told long ago that we were not going to give this up. Upon asking him yesterday, he said that we were over in exemptions (which caused the amended schedule C to begin with, and was his error) so now there is an additional $6K in non-exempt items that used to be exempt (our checking account, taxes and a few other things) - as well as he said he did not have to list the Camper on Schedule C because we had no more exemptions, so he excluded it.
Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but...if its on Schedule B, isnt it supposed to be on Schedule C? He claims the trustee will not take it even if its not on Schedule C - I say he's wrong, that it should have been included and he did not let us know he excluded it. He got pretty nasty with me so I gave it right back to him, I'm not a child and have questions as to why things were done without my knowledge or consent. He says just because its not on Schedule C, it was included in assets for Chapter 7 test, so its included in the payback amount (What?) how can that be if its NOT on Schedule C? I've ran the numbers from Schedule C and the difference between the exemptions and non-exempt amounts for those is exactly 30K (then add in trustee fees and lawyer fees) - and it comes up with what he has, BUT - the camper isnt listed anywhere.... so... it's what... non-existent? I think the amended Schedule C is going to get kicked back again by the Trustee for not having the camper listed; lawyer says Nope, you get to keep it even if I didnt include it. ???
So, the question remains - if our original assets were 30K, then he went over exemptions by $6K - and excluded the camper (valued at another 7K) - isnt that going to raise the assets and payback by 13K, therefore also raising the monthly payment to the trustee? We already had to amend all the schedules, and Schedule I & J as well; Schedule J leaves less than $550 per month, yet our payments are set at 600 - and if I'm right, and the trustee adds the camper and the other mistake, doesnt that bring the total asset value up by that amount and our payment goes up as well? Not confirmed as of yet due to errors on the Schedule C. He says no - but from what I've read, everything else reads differently, and he apparently doesnt think he should be questioned at all. God complex or something... who knows. That trustee is not going to just let the camper slide...
Help set the record straight for me please.
On Schedule B - it says to list all property, and he has - however on our Schedule C, there is our Camper that is missing, its not listed anywhere on it. Its paid off and he was told long ago that we were not going to give this up. Upon asking him yesterday, he said that we were over in exemptions (which caused the amended schedule C to begin with, and was his error) so now there is an additional $6K in non-exempt items that used to be exempt (our checking account, taxes and a few other things) - as well as he said he did not have to list the Camper on Schedule C because we had no more exemptions, so he excluded it.
Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but...if its on Schedule B, isnt it supposed to be on Schedule C? He claims the trustee will not take it even if its not on Schedule C - I say he's wrong, that it should have been included and he did not let us know he excluded it. He got pretty nasty with me so I gave it right back to him, I'm not a child and have questions as to why things were done without my knowledge or consent. He says just because its not on Schedule C, it was included in assets for Chapter 7 test, so its included in the payback amount (What?) how can that be if its NOT on Schedule C? I've ran the numbers from Schedule C and the difference between the exemptions and non-exempt amounts for those is exactly 30K (then add in trustee fees and lawyer fees) - and it comes up with what he has, BUT - the camper isnt listed anywhere.... so... it's what... non-existent? I think the amended Schedule C is going to get kicked back again by the Trustee for not having the camper listed; lawyer says Nope, you get to keep it even if I didnt include it. ???
So, the question remains - if our original assets were 30K, then he went over exemptions by $6K - and excluded the camper (valued at another 7K) - isnt that going to raise the assets and payback by 13K, therefore also raising the monthly payment to the trustee? We already had to amend all the schedules, and Schedule I & J as well; Schedule J leaves less than $550 per month, yet our payments are set at 600 - and if I'm right, and the trustee adds the camper and the other mistake, doesnt that bring the total asset value up by that amount and our payment goes up as well? Not confirmed as of yet due to errors on the Schedule C. He says no - but from what I've read, everything else reads differently, and he apparently doesnt think he should be questioned at all. God complex or something... who knows. That trustee is not going to just let the camper slide...
Help set the record straight for me please.