Ok, so we have $82,000 in credit card debt . We want to keep our home valued at $158,000. We have 3 years left to pay on our mortgage balance due $18,800, and we have a home equity line of credit ( is that a 2nd mortgage?) of $44,000.
Live in Washington State. Myself, husband & 19 year old son. Our total gross income last year was $ 76,813. Son is not in college, and not even sure if he qualifies as part of our household. He is diabetic and cant seem to keep any type of job.
I am confused , I have read that there is NO minimum amount that we have to pay back our creditors after figuring our DMI, however I have also read that whatever equity we have in our home we have to at least pay back our creditors in the 5 year chap 13 plan.
I am not even sure how to figure what equity we even have, and if its alot, which I'm guessing it is since we've lived here 23 years, how are we supposed to be able to pay that much back to creditors and still have enough money to pay our monthly expenses? Do some people not even qualify for chapter 13? We are above state minimum standards for chapter 7 ,so I'm feeling hopeless right now. Any suggestions will be most helpful, thank you.
Live in Washington State. Myself, husband & 19 year old son. Our total gross income last year was $ 76,813. Son is not in college, and not even sure if he qualifies as part of our household. He is diabetic and cant seem to keep any type of job.
I am confused , I have read that there is NO minimum amount that we have to pay back our creditors after figuring our DMI, however I have also read that whatever equity we have in our home we have to at least pay back our creditors in the 5 year chap 13 plan.
I am not even sure how to figure what equity we even have, and if its alot, which I'm guessing it is since we've lived here 23 years, how are we supposed to be able to pay that much back to creditors and still have enough money to pay our monthly expenses? Do some people not even qualify for chapter 13? We are above state minimum standards for chapter 7 ,so I'm feeling hopeless right now. Any suggestions will be most helpful, thank you.