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off to post filing class

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    off to post filing class

    Our trustee offers several classes to assist with your Chap 13. One is the post filing class, its free and in person. We start at 9am! I'll let you know how it went.....

    Filed August 09, all payments made as of July 12th, 2013.....Waiting on final audit and discharge!

    The class was good. We talked about budgeting, saving, credit reports etc. We had a chance to ask questions. We were given a really nice work book to bring home, lots of information on small things like buying groceries and using coupons. We even had a few sections where you and your partner had to actually "discuss" each of your answers in the workbook, to compare our thoughts about money and spending, that was interesting.....

    Our next class is on re establishing credit. A person from a car dealership, banker, mortgage specialist, financial planner will speak at that one.

    We were told that there are a total of 5 of these type of classes they offer and when you complete all of them you get a certificate, which you can keep to show "local" creditors in the future. I guess many of our local folks smile upon the fact you took the time to get more education. Another cool thing about the classes is, you can take them as many times as you would like, so we can do it at the beginning of your plan and if you want again right before discharge to refresh your money skills before heading back out into the "real" world.

    Its really cool that our district offers these classes, I wish every ones did.

    Have a great Sunday, Dumb.
    Filed August 09, all payments made as of July 12th, 2013.....Waiting on final audit and discharge!


      I only attended the class that was mandatory in a Ch 13, but I have thought about attending some of the other classes.
      Filed: 5/22/07; 341 Hearing: 6/27/07;
      Confirmed: 8/13/07; DISCHARGED 4/17/2012


        I think that is such a good idea to have classes like that. Personally, I don't think we have something like that where I live. But such a good idea!
        CH13 filed 5/21/09; 341 6/17/09; confirmed 7/14/09]
        Discharged: 7/25/12


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