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Sick of the payments

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    Originally posted by Hos75 View Post
    One thing I did get was a title to my car as it was payed off in the plan. I wonder if I could just sell it too and get a clunker and use the left over money to pay for an AC? God knows I can't get a decent AC while stuck in this thing, gonna have to get some junk that I'll just have to replace again once this is done...
    You're not allowed to sell the car without trustee approval. Keeps getting worse - sorry.
    19% dividend


      My confirmation paperwork says I can sell my car without asking the trustee only if its under $1000.


        Originally posted by keepinitreal View Post
        anyone who uses the term "teabagger" is the lowest form of human..
        No, teabaggers are the lowest form of racist scum.
        Attorney Retained/Paid: 1-4-10
        Online CCC-Completed & Cert Received: 1-8-10
        Filed Chapter 7 1-18-10.
        341 3-10-10 ~~~ Last Day to Object: 5-10-10


          [QUOTE=MSbklawyer;415924]Because he wants to radically expand government entitlement programs whereby the government takes from some people it deems to have too much and give to others it deems to have too little. No, none of this started with him; LBJ was where it began in earnest.[/QUOTE

          First, you are changing the subject. I can see you are using your "lawyer skills". Ruth's argument was that a person's fiscal incompetence is not the fault of Obama, and I added nor of any other person who has been President since I've been paying taxes since the 70's

          Taxes for the middle class are actually lower as he promised. How's that for being "radical"?

          Also Welfare?

          Like agricultural subsidy which are a governmental subsidy paid to farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities" which Republicans favor and Bush increased.

          Did you know food stamps also were put in place to benefit farms by reducing farm surpluses?

          Also, Obama wants to save billions of dollars by putting new limits on farm subsidies and cutting back on government support to prevent middle class incomes from being transferred to wealthy farmers.

          Fancy that Obama actually cares more about the middle class than wealthier farmers getting richer. (lol) MSLawyer, IS that what you meant by radical?


          Tea people never had a problem with Farm Welfare or Corporate Welfare that takes money away from the middle class and gives to the rich. Many of these Farmers who get subsidies are wealthy.

          Last, the main issue Ruth had is people who inject politics into situations that are not political.

          Tea people do this constantly, they will come on a blog about "fluffy kittens" and start raging and spreading their extreme political views.
          Last edited by SeattleBK; 05-25-2010, 12:00 PM.
          02-12-2009, Filed Chapter 7, Pro Se
          03-24-2009, 341
          05-28-2009, Discharged!


            Originally posted by RuthCB View Post
            I've avoided this thread. I'm am sorry I offended anyone. I used the term because that is what I heard them called. In fact, I suspect the outrage is manufactured, but nevertheless, I don't want people to get weird about it.
            I certainly don't think "throwing slurs" is confined to one political viewpoint. I sure have seen some nasty things thrown at Obama and all Democrats. Personally, being called Fascist/Nazi/Commie is a lot worse in the grand scheme of things.
            So your "apology" claims ignorance about a group you were bashing and proceeds to accuse me of false outrage. Nice.

            If you are going to engage in a discussion about certain groups you really ought to do your research and not just regurgitate what you've been told. Of course most people can't be bothered these days with doing things like actually reading a law before they start bashing it (WhatMoney being the exception around here).
            Case Closed > 2/08/2010


              Originally posted by RuthCB View Post
              Personally, being called Fascist/Nazi/Commie is a lot worse in the grand scheme of things.

              I agree but it has been accepted on this very forum. Just do a search on Nazi on these forums and you will see many threads where this term is used and nothing is done about it.


                Originally posted by Meatstick View Post
                I agree but it has been accepted on this very forum. Just do a search on Nazi on these forums and you will see many threads where this term is used and nothing is done about it.
                Exactly my point, why must we resort to name calling instead of discussing the issues.
                Case Closed > 2/08/2010


                  Ok, all members making political statements on every side and've hijacked the OP's thread pretty thoroughly. Enough of this "you, YOU said...." back and forth stuff. Every one of you is convinced he/she is right. No one is listening so no one is changing anyone's mind. Frankly the vast majority of us are just scrolling on by. It's a complete waste of time and typing.

                  Again (and I'm asking for the last time) please take all political comments of any kind to the General Talk forum. Any more political posts to this thread will be deleted. Continue to make them and forum time outs will be issued. 'Nuf said.
                  I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                  06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                  06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                  07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                  10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                  01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                  09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                  06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                  08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                  10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                  Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                    Well, here it is, 3:43 in the morning, and it's a beautiful balmy 83 degrees in here. Locked the house up to keep the humidity out from the rain tonight, but it isn't working. As I sit, shirtless with sweat literally dripping down my brow and back, there are 2 thoughts running through my mind... 1: I can only think of what it will be like to actually keep my paycheck again this time next year, and 2: how the heck am I gonna sleep tonight? The first reply to my OP said that "atleast in the end you can sell your house". I don't know what I'm gonna sell, it's worth less than when I bought it, and nobody is gonna be stupid enough to buy it after I've ran it into the ground with such a lack of maintenance. My neighbors have a swimming pool and half of the fence between our yard and is falling down and is deemed mine. I haven't had the funds to replace it, so it's leaning, rotting.. more and more, now they are threatening to take it down (beings I won't fix it) and put up a 6 ft privacy fence, blocking my view of the rest of the neighborhood. It's crap like this that make me question my existence. For the first time in my life I've found myself in actual despair.

                    I wonder how my ex wife's family did this. Ran up debt to their eyeballs then filed Bk, did it again.. and again... and again. Yet, I get into trouble with the IRS and I'm punished for making the income that I do. The new laws suck a**, and I'm actually ashamed to let people come over to see me anymore. I've found myself literally waking up and walking around the house... empty room to empty room... ANY interest in hobbies is gone, attempting to fix anything which I used to be able to do is a moot point, pretty much any interest in anything is gone, LITERALLY! Its as though I'm a zombie.. it's weird, and I'm not writing this to get an "aww that's too bad" reply... I'm being as serious as possible, I really only live to pay this f*&^ing CH13 every month. I just recently found this forum, so I can vent... and vent I will, beings it won't come out of the floor anymore.. LOL I can't say that I've moped around completely feeling sorry for myself though. I've done all I can do to try to save money, not eating out, rarely eating any fast food. Birthdays and parent holidays are strictly a card only. The gf wants to give me money, but I refuse.. I got myself into this.. I'll suffer for it. Meanwhile, I called Sprint and got my bill reduced down, along with AT&T, going to the bare minimum of everything. Probably 8 months before I filed I had a credit score of over 700 and everything was being paid on time. Within a few months when the IRS made their demands my credit snowballed downhill. Now, I don't know how I could pay anything with the income I make. And with our current political climate, I wonder if the Dollar will even be worth anything in a year when I'm finally out from this thing. By then I'm sure I'll be paying $10 for a gallon of milk, heck it's already $5!!!!!!! I've had to take out 2 loans on my 401K which I have a whopping 4K in. The payments of $27 per paycheck will be done with when I quit paying the ch13, but I'm not able to take any additional funds for any other emergencies. I'm also behind on my house payment by a month and a half, using whatever money I have left over to pay any extra on it, and yeah, milking the fact the bank can't charge me late fees while in the 13.

                    If anybody is reading this and considering a CH13, I hope that you seriously, VERY SERIOUSLY think about what you're about to get into. Consider bargaining with the Credit card companies, or finding some company that negotiates a settlement. This living hell isn't worth it! There's a reason it's called a 13, the most unluckiest and MOST MISERABLE span of 5 years of the prime of my life (from 31 - 36) have been taken from me. When I'm 80 and on my death bed, I'll look back on this as being the darkest and most wasted part of my life. Even the grief of the loss of my grandfather was passed in a few months. But this drawn out misery is truly life/character changing. This entire experience has turned me into a shell of my former self. I don't laugh like I used to, or care like I used to. It's as though... no.. it IS that I'm being punished for making a decent income and getting into debt, something everybody on this forum has experienced. This is literally a prison, atleast to me, in prison the AC works HA! If I had to do this over again, I'd let the phone keep ringing and deal with the harassment. There's a big part of me that wishes I were poor and working at Taco Bell 15 hrs a week with a ton of debt, an estranged ex wife, 4 kids to pay child support on and an AMC Pacer in the ditch of my 20ft trailer home on cinder blocks and just a complete stupid idiot financially. Atleast the court would say "Hey! You need a Ch 7, there ya go! have fun, go do it again!" and all would be forgiven.
                    Last edited by Hos75; 05-26-2010, 01:40 AM.


                      Hos, your situation is difficult to read as it is heartbreaking to read about your situation. Some of us have not had it as hard as others, for sure. We all have to make lifestyle changes after filing bk, and they are not easy ones. Had a lot of us made the lifestyle changes earlier on, we may not have found ourselves consulting with bk atty.'s at all. But no situation is totally hopeless. Keep working and paying, and keep your eye on the prize. Wishing you the best.
                      Indiana Filed March 9, 2010;
                      341- April 28, 2010;
                      Confirmed May 25, 2010;
                      $1,240 a month; 4 down & 56 to go


                        Hos75, it's likely no surprise to you that you have all the classic signs of a serious clinical depression. There are free clinics in almost every town. Counseling and likely anti-depressants will be needed to fight free of the fog around you and find some happiness again. It's still there - just buried deeply under the depression.

                        Help me understand why you are hanging on to the house. Is it just to pay off the IRS inside your Ch 13?
                        I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                        06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                        06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                        07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                        10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                        01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                        09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                        06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                        08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                        10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                        Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                          ahh.. the house, well for starters, I bought it with the ex wife, using solely my own credit. After a few months we decided to start renovating it. In the middle of our renovations she started seeing another man while I was at work... one her mother introduced her to of all people. SO! anyways, I was forced to file for divorce. The divorce was devastating to me, no kids, but there I was in the house, making the payments when the whole hammer came down on the IRS. I gave up the fight when they came after my employer and I wasn't gonna allow that. So, I had to file the 13. I could have then at that time sold the house, but with all the walls bare, wallpaper torn down everywhere, ceilings scraped, what was I to do? I ended up consulting with my attorney to keep the place as it would affect whether or not I paid anything back to unsecured debts. Fast forward to now, and the house isn't worth what I paid for it, and though a few rooms have been remodeled, there is still more that needs done to make it up to par with what I paid for it. In the long run, if I stay here I'll at least have this asset when I'm done. It won't be much, but I'm also a perfectionist, so whatever I DO do needs to be done perfectly. Also, the IRS has a lien on the house as well as the state, so even if I sold it, they'd get whatever money I made off it. So, umm.. yup, does that answer your question? (I hope so, trying to be thorough here) What would you do in a similar situation?


                            Originally posted by Hos75 View Post
                            What would you do in a similar situation?
                            I would be talking to my lawyer asap to find out what would happen to my case and monthly payments if I surrendered the house.

                            If surrendering the house works out to my benefit, then I would just walk away from it as-is. Let the lender deal with its bad condition. They will make money on it no matter what.

                            Next I would ask my lawyer when I do surrender the house, can I qualify for Ch 7 and get a true fresh start in just 4-5 months?

                            If Ch 7 is a possibility, then I would contact the IRS and work with them to get a payment program in place I can live with to deal with the taxes.

                            You aren't seeing all the possibilities because of your depression. You seem to have convinced yourself you have no other alternatives than to stay in your current state, wander the house angry and sad and alone, and suffer. That's just not correct.

                            A house is just a thing....a thing that in this case has very bad memories connected to it for you to boot. Why are you insisting on hanging on to it when it's dragging you under to the point you are drowning emotionally and financially?
                            Last edited by lrprn; 05-26-2010, 07:57 PM.
                            I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                            06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                            06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                            07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                            10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                            01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                            09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                            06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                            08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                            10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                            Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                              It's a mess I don't think I wanna get into. My attorney tried every single avenue to get me approved for a 7 and couldn't do it. Also the IRS can't come after me while I'm in a bankruptcy, so I'm gonna stick it out... and yes it's hot in here!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Hos75 View Post
                                It's a mess I don't think I wanna get into. My attorney tried every single avenue to get me approved for a 7 and couldn't do it. Also the IRS can't come after me while I'm in a bankruptcy, so I'm gonna stick it out... and yes it's hot in here!!!!!
                                going back to what LRPRN was asking. What would happen if you were to modify your plan to give up your home and rent or move in with your girlfriend (rent a room from her)? If you don't want the house, you have the ability to walk away from it with your BK. You don't even want your house, like LRPRN was saying, use this opportunity to be shed of it and start getting on with your life. Even if you continue in your CH13 with a larger payment (because you won't have the house payment) you could also rework your expenses to make your plan more livable.

                                You seem very fixated on having to keep the hosue, shake off the fog and kick your brain into gear. This could actually be a great opportunity for you.


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