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Sick of the payments

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    Sick of the payments

    Ok, first post on here. Found this forum after doing a search on the payments in a Chapter 13 being unbearable, which mine are. I filed my CH13 11/10/06 and was confirmed 02/28/07. My BK consists of a great amount of income tax debt. The remainder is all credit card debt and a vehicle. When my attorney gave me the amount I'd have to pay, he quoted me at around $980 a month for 60 months. At the start though I was already behind by one month (due to a late house payment). So, my payment was raised to 1,209 a month. I made extra payments as possible to get caught up on the past payment, but the office didn't like that. After another unexpected expense, I ended up with an amended payment of $1,300 a month. I'm down to 13 months left to pay on this and I have to say I can't express to anyone how much this has completely devastated my life, personally and financially.

    I filed shortly after my divorce and found myself stuck in a house I won in the divorce from my ex. She walks, I'm stuck with a $1,400 a month house payment. And then on top of that, a $1,300 payment for the stupid BK, not to mention all other bills. I've watched everything in my house crumble around me. My phones don't work, my tv quit, my water heater went out, speakers went out on the computer, hard drive crashed and I'm unable to send it off to get the data recovered, siding is crumbling on the house, the land is erroding, planting grass doesn't work, mailbox is about to fall over.. Eh, I could go on and on and on. The heater caused me to be the second month behind in my payments. Besides my siding, my house is literally in need of repair so bad that after this stupid thing is behind me it's going to take another 2 years or so to get everything caught back up again (paying in cash and NEVER another credit card!)

    On a more personal level, I've been unable to really go out searching for a date. Yeah, it's real attractive to say I'm stuck in a payment plan for a CH 13 and I can't afford anything. Paycheck to paycheck, any additional funds which the government is so gracious to let me keep in April goes to the stupid trustee. Living off ramon noodles, calling in sick to work because payday is 2 days away and I can't afford the gas to drive 60 miles to work and I'm on fumes. Whomever came up with this plan sucks a**, but hey, I gotta get Barry Soetoro his money so he can redistribute my wealth. Ok, so I'm ranting, but this went on for a couple years before I finally met someone. Only thing is now, she has an ex, and kids and can't move cause her ex won't let her take the kids to another school district. I can't sell my house and move because I'm not allowed to make any profit on this one I'm in while I'm in the 13. Unless I just give the house away and pay the realtor to sell it. So, I'm stuck. Literally, in a 2800 sq ft house, single, and 2 dogs.

    Ok, that's enough for a first post, I've read a few posts in here about people living a nightmare making these payments. Just curious how you all do it.

    WOW, I'm sorry to hear this. Not really what I want to read as we get ready to head into our chapter 13...with 3 teens, 2 larges dogs and a cat I'm trying to stay hopeful that we'll actually be better off during our plan, being we were so cash strapped from paying all our credit card bills each month. It's strange how I keep reading how some plans are absolutely awful and people are struggling and then there are others who are getting by just fine.
    You are so lucky because you are at the end-and besides being debt free, you can then sell your house!
    Retained atty 3/2010. Filed Chapter 13 on 1/2013.


      Originally posted by Hos75 View Post
      Ok, first post on here. Found this forum after doing a search on the payments in a Chapter 13 being unbearable, which mine are. I filed my CH13 11/10/06 and was confirmed 02/28/07. My BK consists of a great amount of income tax debt. The remainder is all credit card debt and a vehicle. When my attorney gave me the amount I'd have to pay, he quoted me at around $980 a month for 60 months. At the start though I was already behind by one month (due to a late house payment). So, my payment was raised to 1,209 a month. I made extra payments as possible to get caught up on the past payment, but the office didn't like that. After another unexpected expense, I ended up with an amended payment of $1,300 a month. I'm down to 13 months left to pay on this and I have to say I can't express to anyone how much this has completely devastated my life, personally and financially.

      I filed shortly after my divorce and found myself stuck in a house I won in the divorce from my ex. She walks, I'm stuck with a $1,400 a month house payment. And then on top of that, a $1,300 payment for the stupid BK, not to mention all other bills. I've watched everything in my house crumble around me. My phones don't work, my tv quit, my water heater went out, speakers went out on the computer, hard drive crashed and I'm unable to send it off to get the data recovered, siding is crumbling on the house, the land is erroding, planting grass doesn't work, mailbox is about to fall over.. Eh, I could go on and on and on. The heater caused me to be the second month behind in my payments. Besides my siding, my house is literally in need of repair so bad that after this stupid thing is behind me it's going to take another 2 years or so to get everything caught back up again (paying in cash and NEVER another credit card!)

      On a more personal level, I've been unable to really go out searching for a date. Yeah, it's real attractive to say I'm stuck in a payment plan for a CH 13 and I can't afford anything. Paycheck to paycheck, any additional funds which the government is so gracious to let me keep in April goes to the stupid trustee. Living off ramon noodles, calling in sick to work because payday is 2 days away and I can't afford the gas to drive 60 miles to work and I'm on fumes. Whomever came up with this plan sucks a**, but hey, I gotta get Barry Soetoro his money so he can redistribute my wealth. Ok, so I'm ranting, but this went on for a couple years before I finally met someone. Only thing is now, she has an ex, and kids and can't move cause her ex won't let her take the kids to another school district. I can't sell my house and move because I'm not allowed to make any profit on this one I'm in while I'm in the 13. Unless I just give the house away and pay the realtor to sell it. So, I'm stuck. Literally, in a 2800 sq ft house, single, and 2 dogs.

      Ok, that's enough for a first post, I've read a few posts in here about people living a nightmare making these payments. Just curious how you all do it.
      I'm sorry you are having such a rough time of it. It also sounds like you'll be house poor for a couple of years after you finish your 13.

      Besides having equity (which it sounds like you do) is there any other reason why you would want to continue making that house payment?

      You have more stamina than I do. I think I would have called my attorney to amend my plan and walked from the house.
      Filed Chapter 13 02/2006 - Confirmed 05/2006 - Discharged 09/2011
      I'm not an attorney. My replies are merely suggestions or observations, not legal advice. As always, consult with an attorney before making any decisions.


        I gotta get Barry Soetoro his money so he can redistribute my wealth.
        I was kind of feeling for you until you injected this.
        The President had nothing to do with you not paying your taxes or your bankruptcy.
        In fact taxes are lower now that anytime since the Truman administration.

        I really come here to read about bankruptcy so teabagger/birther cracks are a real turn-off.


          Originally posted by RuthCB View Post
          In fact taxes are lower now that anytime since the Truman administration..
          Well, when a person has to work for every dime they get and they're struggling to make it, the idea that the government takes any of their money to give it to someone else whom it deems to be more deserving of it, can be a sore point.

          The fact that the government is now redistributing less of their money than before is certainly progress in the right direction, it's little comfort really.
          Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


            Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
            Well, when a person has to work for every dime they get and they're struggling to make it, the idea that the government takes any of their money to give it to someone else whom it deems to be more deserving of it, can be a sore point.

            The fact that the government is now redistributing less of their money than before is certainly progress in the right direction, it's little comfort really.
            I happen to like some of those government distributions myself. I imagine most people do. I get a sense that when folks talk about "giving to someone else" they are really talking not about the military, police, fire, disability, Social Security, schools, libraries, etc. What they mean is welfare for those who are in a real tight spot, or those who had no bootstraps in the first place, so they can't pull 'um up. The irony in a bankruptcy forum hasn't gone unnoticed. BTW, "welfare" is about 3% of GDP.


              Originally posted by RuthCB View Post
              What they mean is welfare for those who are in a real tight spot, or those who had no bootstraps in the first place, so they can't pull 'um up.
              I think what they mean is welfare for those who, for generation after generation after generation, would rather sit on the porch with with a blunt and a forty oz. and think that someone else is obligated to pay for it.

              Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
                I think what they mean is welfare for those who, for generation after generation after generation, would rather sit on the porch with with a blunt and a forty oz. and think that someone else is obligated to pay for it.

                This makes me sick. For all of us who are paying for this family and most of all, for the children who are never going to receive the gift of having a parent that will set a good example for them.
                Filed Chapter 13 02/2006 - Confirmed 05/2006 - Discharged 09/2011
                I'm not an attorney. My replies are merely suggestions or observations, not legal advice. As always, consult with an attorney before making any decisions.


                  To the seems like you were getting along OK on your plan and muddling through...(no one said filing Chapter 13 was ever easy) but when you have someone come into your life now it all seems unbearable because it is holding you back. Since most of your BK was for taxes owed and also credit card debt, the taxes need to be paid back in full as they are priority and during your 13 you are not accumulating any penalties or interest on whatever that amount is, which I am assuming is large. Secondly, on top of all this you have your divorce which threw you over the edge and what you are experiencing during your 13 as to emotions, no money to get stuff repaired/replaced, etc. etc. is totally normal. I would suggest contacting your attorney as to the items that need repair and are falling apart - it is possible to get the trustee to maybe allow you to skip a payment and tack it on at the end or if your expenses have risen or your income dropped, you may be eligible for a modification and your payment lowered. You don't want to blow it now this far into your plan. The majority of the population experiences divorce, major financial problems, etc. unless our last name is Hilton, DuPont or Getty. The new person in your life should understand that all this will be over in time. Buckle down, talk to your attorney and get that discharge. I believe you have equity in your that time if you wish to stay there you can refinance, get it and do repairs and as the years go by housing prices will rise as will your equity again. Or you can sell at that time and move. You havesome major life decisions to make while in an active Chapter 13. Unless they are life threatening and need to be done right now, complete your 13 and talk to your attorney. It will get better after your discharge, believe me, your taxes and bills will be gone and you will have your home with the equity in it.
                  Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
                  Early Buy-Out: April 2006
                  Discharge: August 2006

                  "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


                    Originally posted by RuthCB View Post
                    teabagger/birther cracks are a real turn-off.
                    anyone who uses the term "teabagger" is the lowest form of human.

                    for those who don't know why the liberals like to use the term teabaggers instead of "tea party":
                    from urbandictionary dot com: a man that squats on top of a womens face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as "teabagging".

                    it's as offensive as the n-word.
                    Last edited by keepinitreal; 05-15-2010, 06:48 AM.
                    Filed Chapter 7 July 2010
                    Attended 341 September 2010
                    Discharged November 2010 Closed November 2010


                      Originally posted by newbie2 View Post
                      This makes me sick. For all of us who are paying for this family and most of all, for the children who are never going to receive the gift of having a parent that will set a good example for them.
                      Well, what's really sad is that the kids are pretty much doomed to follow in their mother's footsteps -- if they're lucky. Or if they're not lucky, to follow in their imprisoned father's. [[ Or maybe it's the other way around depending on whether your preference is being in a motel room with 12 kids or a prison cell. Personally, I'd take prison. And be glad for it. ]]

                      A lot of people think that this kind of thing is the exception, but it's not. Especially in the South, this exact kind of thing plays out in hundreds and hundreds of housing projects filled with hundreds and hundreds of people who've never been paid for a single productive thing in their entire lives. Getting paid for doing something productive is a concept as foreign to them as the dark side of the moon. Fifteen kids is a bit uncommon, but it's nothing to see some of these mothers with 6 or 8 with most of them getting a "crazy check" courtesy of people like the OP.

                      So, I can see his frustration at the "spread the wealth" politcial dogma as fairly well justified.
                      Last edited by MSbklawyer; 05-15-2010, 08:31 AM.
                      Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                        Originally posted by keepinitreal View Post
                        a man that squats on top of a womens face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as "teabagging". .
                        He should only do that if he really trusts her.
                        Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                          Interesting replies. I'm not going to get into a discussion about the income tax. My own search of the truth led me to where I am and yes the penalties have been waived as well as interest, atleast on some of it. But in any case, it's not just the things crumbling around me, but also that everything I had of any wealth is being forced to be sold to make up for the shortfall of what I'm paying out every month. So far, this has included the rings I was awarded in the divorce, all my collectible silver, all the toys and nicknacks, video game collections I had from when I was a kid, anything of significant worth being sold off to keep my head above water. It's amazing how much a couple tires going out on my car can cause a ripple effect. Payday, and 2/3's of my check is instantly gone to the trustee and I still have bills to pay, after that I have $67 bucks left for 2 weeks.... gas money? food? That kinda stuff is trivial, guess I'll hop on Ebay. oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain, I have my health and a roof over my head.

                          My income hasn't really changed much, but I have found that the increase of a few hundred a month in my payments has been dramatic. I just sent out another $1,300 today and just can't wait to get onto the national database center to watch the numbers go towards zero. What is sick about this is even if I DO come into any extra money that the trustee allows nothing as far as an incentive to get this thing paid off. Instead he still demands his cut of the loot, as well as telling me I'm NOT allowed to send any payments to the state which I owe around 1,000 to but is being paid in $75 chunks for the next year. *sigh*

                          as far as my current relationship, yeah, I'm poor, but at least she found a gold mine if the day ever comes that I'm out of this thing (and the dollar still has any value). Though I have a 4 bd house, 3 bath, 2 living rooms, dining, and basement, there's only 2 rooms that have anything in them at all. The rest is just empty, and emptying further with each item sold on Ebay and Craigslist. I did get a deferment for one month to get my water heater installed. That ended up leaving me with the higher payment as my attorney had to file a motion to keep my case from being dismissed.


                            Originally posted by Hos75 View Post
                            Interesting replies. I'm not going to get into a discussion about the income tax. My own search of the truth led me to where I am and yes the penalties have been waived as well as interest, atleast on some of it. But in any case, it's not just the things crumbling around me, but also that everything I had of any wealth is being forced to be sold to make up for the shortfall of what I'm paying out every month. So far, this has included the rings I was awarded in the divorce, all my collectible silver, all the toys and nicknacks, video game collections I had from when I was a kid, anything of significant worth being sold off to keep my head above water. It's amazing how much a couple tires going out on my car can cause a ripple effect. Payday, and 2/3's of my check is instantly gone to the trustee and I still have bills to pay, after that I have $67 bucks left for 2 weeks.... gas money? food? That kinda stuff is trivial, guess I'll hop on Ebay. oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain, I have my health and a roof over my head.

                            My income hasn't really changed much, but I have found that the increase of a few hundred a month in my payments has been dramatic. I just sent out another $1,300 today and just can't wait to get onto the national database center to watch the numbers go towards zero. What is sick about this is even if I DO come into any extra money that the trustee allows nothing as far as an incentive to get this thing paid off. Instead he still demands his cut of the loot, as well as telling me I'm NOT allowed to send any payments to the state which I owe around 1,000 to but is being paid in $75 chunks for the next year. *sigh*

                            as far as my current relationship, yeah, I'm poor, but at least she found a gold mine if the day ever comes that I'm out of this thing (and the dollar still has any value). Though I have a 4 bd house, 3 bath, 2 living rooms, dining, and basement, there's only 2 rooms that have anything in them at all. The rest is just empty, and emptying further with each item sold on Ebay and Craigslist. I did get a deferment for one month to get my water heater installed. That ended up leaving me with the higher payment as my attorney had to file a motion to keep my case from being dismissed.
                            Hos75, stick it out. There is light at the end of the tunnel and it very likely isn't a train

                            I know the feeling of making sure you get that payment in every month and scrambling to cover unforeseen expenses. I am fortunate in that I can fix most of what goes wrong around my house, but even if I am only paying wholesale costs for the parts.... it still has to come from somewhere.

                            If she is worth it, she'll be there at the end of this. You can then free yourself up and even better, you'll be debt free.


                              Originally posted by Hos75 View Post
                              Payday, and 2/3's of my check is instantly gone to the trustee and I still have bills to pay, after that I have $67 bucks left for 2 weeks.... gas money? food?...................

                              My income hasn't really changed much, but I have found that the increase of a few hundred a month in my payments has been dramatic.
                              I'm really sorry to hear this has been so hard on you, but I don't understand the above. If you really only have $67 left after paying bills to get you through 2 weeks, did you leave out expenses when you filed? Have your expenses increased while your income stayed level? If so, you may want to consider amending and trying to get your payment lowered. If you didn't have items in your possession that could be sold on eBay, how would you get by? You are allowed to have money left over for food and gas, those are basic living expenses. Granted, I'm only at the beginning of my 13, but if this were happening to me, I'd be on my lawyer like white on rice.
                              Filed Ch 13 - 2/2010
                              341 meeting - 4/2010
                              Confirmed! - 6/2010


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