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Case dismissed, but car surrendered

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    Case dismissed, but car surrendered

    I surrendered a vehicle during my case and i was dismissed for non-payment (long story). The finance company sent me a letter about the deficiency I owe, but I was never notified of the resale of my car. How can I approach this since I will not be refiling?

    I can afford my regular monthly payments and I have my mortgage loan modified... vehicle 2 loan caught up with back owed payments. I filed in the first place because i was more than 4 months behind on payments for 2 vehicles and both mortgages(a mental illness took me out of comission). But since the mortgage company has agreed to modify and one car gone do I really need to refile? I included some credit cards and medical bills so I expect them to start calling, but I am able to make payments on everything.

    They may not have been required to notify you of the sale since you surrendered the vehicle in bankruptcy.

    You can probably contact whoever you owe the balance to and work out payment arrangements.
    Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
    (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


      Originally posted by SMinGA View Post
      They may not have been required to notify you of the sale since you surrendered the vehicle in bankruptcy.

      You can probably contact whoever you owe the balance to and work out payment arrangements.
      Or just to settle for a lower amount with the threat of bankruptcy again.
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