Hopefully one of the moderators - or anyone else that has information on this can share.
We have not yet filed. Information that I was confused about is this: When we met with a lawyer, we had just received our 3 month "Trial Modification" with BoA for the HAMP program the day before (if the numbers are right on the trial, we will only be saving about $70/month but they have started an escrow account for us, that we did not previously have because BoA paid late property taxes for us). We are 3 months behind on our mortgages. The lawyer recommended we go ahead and try to get the modification first because the late mortgage payments are rolled to the back of the loan....and therefore would not need to be included in the CH13 payment, and we would not need to pay our house payment with the Ch13, reducing fees payed to the trustee - am I understanding this correctly?
So, if the HAMP is denied for any reason and we need to add our late mortgage payments into the 13, I believe he said the trustee requires the house payment be paid by the 13. SO, if the trustee gets 6-10% that adds a lot to our monthly CH13 payment. What if we do not have that kind of disposable income? My husband thought that the CH 13 payment would not really change (except that we would be paying the house payment through the plan), but that the only change would be that the Trustee would just end of with more $$$ than say our CC company would get????? Can someone clarify this trustee percentage to me?
Hope this makes sense! If not I will try to clarify my question.
Thank you!!!
We have not yet filed. Information that I was confused about is this: When we met with a lawyer, we had just received our 3 month "Trial Modification" with BoA for the HAMP program the day before (if the numbers are right on the trial, we will only be saving about $70/month but they have started an escrow account for us, that we did not previously have because BoA paid late property taxes for us). We are 3 months behind on our mortgages. The lawyer recommended we go ahead and try to get the modification first because the late mortgage payments are rolled to the back of the loan....and therefore would not need to be included in the CH13 payment, and we would not need to pay our house payment with the Ch13, reducing fees payed to the trustee - am I understanding this correctly?
So, if the HAMP is denied for any reason and we need to add our late mortgage payments into the 13, I believe he said the trustee requires the house payment be paid by the 13. SO, if the trustee gets 6-10% that adds a lot to our monthly CH13 payment. What if we do not have that kind of disposable income? My husband thought that the CH 13 payment would not really change (except that we would be paying the house payment through the plan), but that the only change would be that the Trustee would just end of with more $$$ than say our CC company would get????? Can someone clarify this trustee percentage to me?
Hope this makes sense! If not I will try to clarify my question.
Thank you!!!