Does anyone know what what line 57 - Deduction for special circumstances is for on form b22c? I'm trying to justify my 10 year old son's soccer league fees (1500/year) and my 8 year old daughter's " kids yoga" lessons (500/year). I can't understand how some judges will allow people to continue to contribute 15% or less to a charitable organization, contribute to retirement plans, but wont allow others to spend a fraction of this on physical activities for children. Yes, both of my children were involved with these activities more than 6 months before filing and we have proof of payments for these activities. We tried filing these under educational expenses at first. Wondering if there is another place we can try to include them? The TT said the Judge usually doesn't approve these type items. My attorney is looking into some things and is getting back with me on 3/3.
Aggravated Parent
Aggravated Parent