We just got home, and it looks like we'll be at about a $1200 payment plan including the 2 cars. My problem is I just did a budget on that and we really don't have much to live on after that!
Take home- $5032
Payment $1200
House $1225
HELOC $720
Insurance $260
Electric $110
Gas $100
Cell $150
Water $115
Garbage $64
Gym $39
Karate $170
Kindergarten (all day so I can work) $172
total expenses $4325
5032-4325 = $707 for food, clothes, gas, misc. for a family of 4. Does this look right?
Take home- $5032
Payment $1200
House $1225
HELOC $720
Insurance $260
Electric $110
Gas $100
Cell $150
Water $115
Garbage $64
Gym $39
Karate $170
Kindergarten (all day so I can work) $172
total expenses $4325
5032-4325 = $707 for food, clothes, gas, misc. for a family of 4. Does this look right?