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Newbie question about paying the Chapter 13

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    Newbie question about paying the Chapter 13

    Hi, I joined this forum in May, this is my first post. I am working on paperwork and making installment payments to my attorney. I hope to file by the end of the year.

    I have a question about the montly payment to the trustee. I did try to search for this, my apologies if it is somewhere else and I missed it.

    I have been reading a lot about Chapter 13 on this forum and also in quite a few books. I understand that your employer cannot legally fire you for filing for bankruptcy.

    BUT, I work for a very small company and in the past, "confidential HR issues" have not exactly all remained confidential. The HR group is really small, and really catty. Things somehow always seem to make their way around the office, and they just deny saying anything. I saw this happen to someone and she was so embarrassed that she quit. Others are looking into retaining attorneys.

    Recently they have stepped up the rate of firing people. When those people ask for a reason, they say, every time, "We are not required to give you a reason." Which, unfortunately is true in PA (Philly area).

    My question is....does anyone in PA pay their 13 payments by direct debit from their checking accounts on payday? Or is it required to have the money taken out of your check?

    If they are notified to take the 13 payments from my check, I am worried they will fire me and I won't be able to prove the reason. As much as the HR department sucks, it is a really good job.

    Thanks for any help.

    If you stress to your attorney that your job is on the line if you payroll deduct, then the attorney should be able to motion the court for you to pay directly to the trustee. A lot of trustee's like the payroll deduction because it ususally means that you won't miss payments. However if you lose your job then your chapter 13 won't be funded so hopefully your attorney can argue this one with the trustee if the trustee is a tough nut to crack.

    Sounds like office politics make life stressful. Gl with that. And yes, they can't fire you for filing BK but they sure can come up with other "things" to make life miserable and force you to quit or as you stated, just say, "goodbye"

    Hopefully that won't happen to you.


      our area trustees don't do payroll it really depends on your trustee and your lawyer should know what your trustees like to do

      Filed July 09
      Confirmation - June 2010
      Final Payment - June 2014 - 7/2/14 DISCHARGED


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