I have browsed repeatedly here and for some reason I still don't understand how reaffirmation or not would affect us - or works for that matter.
We will be filing chapter 13 - with small payments - according to our attorney.
We are keeping our home - we are current on it (1st and HELOC current).
1st mortage we owe 211k - HELOC we owe 81k - CMA on the house is currently 245k and falling.
If we file - start the plan payments - and just keep current on our house payments - how does this work?
For example - we decide we can't afford the house anymore and we walk away. Is that new foreclosure and stuff still included in the BK we filed?
What if the value drops further and we find out that the HELOC is no longer secured by equity - can it be stripped later ?
Will the mortgage companies make us sign reaffirmation agreements even though our attorney doesn't sign them as per our attorney/client agreement ?
I hope i am making sense (head spinning)
We will be filing chapter 13 - with small payments - according to our attorney.
We are keeping our home - we are current on it (1st and HELOC current).
1st mortage we owe 211k - HELOC we owe 81k - CMA on the house is currently 245k and falling.
If we file - start the plan payments - and just keep current on our house payments - how does this work?
For example - we decide we can't afford the house anymore and we walk away. Is that new foreclosure and stuff still included in the BK we filed?
What if the value drops further and we find out that the HELOC is no longer secured by equity - can it be stripped later ?
Will the mortgage companies make us sign reaffirmation agreements even though our attorney doesn't sign them as per our attorney/client agreement ?
I hope i am making sense (head spinning)