Okay...quick numbers here:
Monthly Gross: $6994
Monthly Payroll Taxes: $2120
401 Loan: $88 (total outstanding / 60 months)
Federal Taxes Owed: $133 (total outstanding / 60 months)
Unsecured Debt: $117,584
Auto Loan: $47,000 balance (payments of $770/month)
Rent: $750 (plus utilities, etc...)
Total Deduction Allowed (according to means test): $5276
Projected Average Monthly Chapter 13 Plan Payment: $1013
Ohio Multiplier (7.1%): $72
Total Deductions for Debt Payment: $1085
$1085 is supposed to be my total monthly payment to the trustee, right?
Here are some numbers the Means test spit out:
Monthly Disposable income: $1718
60-month disposable income: $103,085
"Because the amount on line 51 is more than $10950, the presumption of abuse arises. You fail the means test. Do not complete the remainder of Part 6."
So, I guess I'm confused why I failed. Does that just mean that I fail and don't qualify for Chapter 7?
Also, how does the calculator come up with a payment of $1085 if it says my monthly disposable income is $1718?
Is it possible for me to get into a 3 or 4 year plan, or will I be forced into a 5 year plan?
Monthly Gross: $6994
Monthly Payroll Taxes: $2120
401 Loan: $88 (total outstanding / 60 months)
Federal Taxes Owed: $133 (total outstanding / 60 months)
Unsecured Debt: $117,584
Auto Loan: $47,000 balance (payments of $770/month)
Rent: $750 (plus utilities, etc...)
Total Deduction Allowed (according to means test): $5276
Projected Average Monthly Chapter 13 Plan Payment: $1013
Ohio Multiplier (7.1%): $72
Total Deductions for Debt Payment: $1085
$1085 is supposed to be my total monthly payment to the trustee, right?
Here are some numbers the Means test spit out:
Monthly Disposable income: $1718
60-month disposable income: $103,085
"Because the amount on line 51 is more than $10950, the presumption of abuse arises. You fail the means test. Do not complete the remainder of Part 6."
So, I guess I'm confused why I failed. Does that just mean that I fail and don't qualify for Chapter 7?
Also, how does the calculator come up with a payment of $1085 if it says my monthly disposable income is $1718?
Is it possible for me to get into a 3 or 4 year plan, or will I be forced into a 5 year plan?