The only good thing about it passing will be that there will be less foreclosures, so meanwhile the responsible person like myself, who understood that an ARM will adjust and your payment will increase and got a normal loan, will hopefully regain some value in my house.
If your gonna bailout the crooked banks, and the crooked STATED INCOME borrowers that created the whole mess, then they need to bailout the RESPONSIBLE borrowers that have lost all their equity as well.
But that would be in a perfect world, which, based on the signs of the times, we obviously do not even come close to that.
If your gonna bailout the crooked banks, and the crooked STATED INCOME borrowers that created the whole mess, then they need to bailout the RESPONSIBLE borrowers that have lost all their equity as well.
But that would be in a perfect world, which, based on the signs of the times, we obviously do not even come close to that.