I had posted here a long time ago we had originally filed a chapter 7 in 2005. The lawyer had goofed and we didnt realize we didnt have a lean on our house so we almost lost the house. We chose to switch to a chapter 13 to save the house and were basically told at that point if we were to do so we would have to pay a 100% back. We are now a little 2 1/2 years into the plan. Our plan just got dismissed for non payment. The economy has not been nice to my husbands construction job. The judge filed an order to close the case. Now the prior chapter 7 trustee is filing a motion to Undismiss our case and convert it back to a 7. Is this even possible does anyone know??? The motion goes before the judge Jan 9th. We don't have a lawyer anymore becuase our chap 13 lawyer passed away and nobody wants to touch our case with a 10 foot pole. Any advice???