My last payment to the Chapter 13 Trustee just drafted today!
Have hope all those who are trudging along this Chaper 13 road, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I started cleaning my credit reports up about a year and a half ago, but still have some stuff reporting balances. When I get my discharge, I will send another round of letters off to the CRAs and see where that gets me. My FICO's are currently 661,664,691.
I did the math and not having to make the ~$1500 month 13 payment will be like getting a $27,470 raise when you consider taxes.
I am going to start putting money in savings for a house and money in the market as it seems like this is getting close to the bottom.
Have hope all those who are trudging along this Chaper 13 road, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I started cleaning my credit reports up about a year and a half ago, but still have some stuff reporting balances. When I get my discharge, I will send another round of letters off to the CRAs and see where that gets me. My FICO's are currently 661,664,691.
I did the math and not having to make the ~$1500 month 13 payment will be like getting a $27,470 raise when you consider taxes.
I am going to start putting money in savings for a house and money in the market as it seems like this is getting close to the bottom.