Background: We're in our first year and we're confirmed.
Problem: My car lease is up and so we went to get another one. And you guessed it. No one will touch us. And we can't get a car loan. So after my nervous breakdown
I realized that my only option is to cash in my IRA. I know about the penalty and tax but I really have no other alternative. No family member to help me out, etc. So here's my questions.
Once I cash my IRA in, this will raise my income this year a lot. But only for this year. Also, since I will be buying a car, my expenses will go down a couple hundred a month.
. Now I need to know if this is going to raise a red flag. What can the trustee do to me? I haven't been asked for anything i.e. tax return yet but it's only Feb. Can he raise my monthly payment if he audits me? I had to cancel some insurance 'cause it was too expensive and I'm trying to cut back on other things too to give me more money each month. I figured that plus not having a car payment I will be able to put a little away for an emergency. But if he sees my changes will he want more for the plan? Will the local hospital have an extra bed for me for my next nervous breakdown
Background: We're in our first year and we're confirmed.
Problem: My car lease is up and so we went to get another one. And you guessed it. No one will touch us. And we can't get a car loan. So after my nervous breakdown
Once I cash my IRA in, this will raise my income this year a lot. But only for this year. Also, since I will be buying a car, my expenses will go down a couple hundred a month.