I am not the person filling chapter 13, a friend of mine is. I have a question about the money i had loaned him 4 years ago. He had been going through financhal problems at the time and i had helped him (6,000 worth) to get on his feet. Fast foward 4 years. He has got behind on his mortgage ect...So he decided to file chapter 13. He has always told me, i will pay you back and so on. Me being the nice person i was..said ok. Well i had asked him a week ago (knowing he had filed bankruptsy) if he had included me. He has said no. He could not file on personal loans and stuff that he could not prove to me. He said i would have not got paid back if he had included me. For some reason, im having a hard time believing him in this. I dont know much about chapter 13 except you pay back everything and get to keep your belongings. Can anyone help me out on this issue, because until then i don't have a leg to stand on because i dont have a clue as the fact of which would come out of my mouth.
Please Help!! TIA
Please Help!! TIA