Order Revoking Order to Pay
Comes now for consideration the matter of revocation of the Order earlier entered directing the employer of the debtor to withhold certain sums from the debtor's salary each month; and it appearing to the Court that other arrangements have been made.
It is Ordered, that the Order Previously entered directing xxxxxxxxx to withhold sums of money from the pay of the debtor should be, and hereby is revoked and the Debtor's employer should stop making payments to the trustee
Also new today on Pacer, an order releasing the balance of my student loan from my 13 plan with payments to be resumed by me beginning November 1.
<happy dance> <happy dance>

Comes now for consideration the matter of revocation of the Order earlier entered directing the employer of the debtor to withhold certain sums from the debtor's salary each month; and it appearing to the Court that other arrangements have been made.
It is Ordered, that the Order Previously entered directing xxxxxxxxx to withhold sums of money from the pay of the debtor should be, and hereby is revoked and the Debtor's employer should stop making payments to the trustee
Also new today on Pacer, an order releasing the balance of my student loan from my 13 plan with payments to be resumed by me beginning November 1.
<happy dance> <happy dance>
