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Financing for replacement vehicle?

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    Financing for replacement vehicle?

    We are 16 months into our plan, and my husbands vehicle has blown it's head gasket. To repair this is approximately $5000. Naturally, we don't have that kind of extra money.

    I know we would have to have trustee approval to incur new debt and I don't see that as being prohibitive. What scares me is a: Not finding someone who would finance, and b: The horrid interest rate I'm sure we'd be charged.

    Has anyone here had any success with this type of thing and could point us in the right direction?
    Filed Chapter 13 02/2006 - Confirmed 05/2006 - Discharged 09/2011
    I'm not an attorney. My replies are merely suggestions or observations, not legal advice. As always, consult with an attorney before making any decisions.

    Me too!

    My own car's been limpinig along. Oil light comes on with alarming regularity -- it's got 167K miles.

    So I checked it out with the attorney -- you first go find financing. So I applied online -- after googling bankruptcy 13 auto loans. One place seemed sketchy -- they did approve a loan, but you have to go to a website and pick out a car, and then they deliver it to you.

    Some other place "drive" -- approved me for 21.75%. Wow. I am just over a year into my 13.

    Now I go find a car to buy, with the downpayment stipulation of $1200, and a limit of $400 payment.

    Then, the lawyer writes up a motion to incur non-emergency debt. I need to tell him all the details -- what car, what purchase price, what interest rate, what loan length. He says most always they are ok with incurring the new debt -- I am forever thankful I have a great lawyer and a great trustee.

    I am hoping to look this weekend -- I don't want to -- but my commute is nearly 100 miles a day, round trip, and I can't not have a reliable car.

    Then I would hope to refinance or pay down or something.

    Hope this helps.


      Have you checked out Capital One, they seem pretty easy going as far as getting a car loan. I applied with them over the internet just to see if I could and how much I could get. They sent me forms and were going to loan me up to 19,000 at 12 1/2%. But since I had a car for less with another finance company, I didn't budge. I got this tip off this forum too that Capital One was an easy target to hit up for a car loan.

      Best of Luck, CMIYC
      July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
      Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
      Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
      Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


        Thanks cs and cmifyc. I appreciate the input from both of you. It sounds like Tuesday we'll have to get on the ball and start making the phone calls. *cs, I hope your car holds out until you have the new one in your driveway.
        Filed Chapter 13 02/2006 - Confirmed 05/2006 - Discharged 09/2011
        I'm not an attorney. My replies are merely suggestions or observations, not legal advice. As always, consult with an attorney before making any decisions.


          Your repair price of $5000 seems too high. You can purchase a used engine from a junk yard and have it installed for less than $2000.
          Get another price a local repair shop. You are probabley at at a dealership that is why the price is $5000.


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