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I Feel Clueless

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    I Feel Clueless

    Okay so I am filing my chapter 13 tomorrow, on my own with no advice from an attorney and I feel really really stupid.....

    I do not have time to get an attorney and wait for him/her to get this petition filed and I needed to keep it real quiet until Monday and am afraid that I am completly out of time so come he!! or highwater I will file this before the end of the day tomorrow. To make matters even better I now have an absessed tooth and my face looks like a cabbage patch so I have to have a tooth pulled at 9:20 in the morning and so it just keeps getting better......

    Anyway besides to vent I need to try to figure somethings out... I went to the bankruptcy office on Tuesday and looked through another chapter 13 case that was just filed but I guess I should have spent the day there cause somewhere I missed the plan. I really don't know what paper they are talking about unless it is the one that has the boxes on top that you have to check if the commitment period is 3 or 5 years and if your disposable income is or is not determined yet. In my case my disposable income is not yet determined so it would be hard for me to make a payment plan based on that right???????

    If this office was just up the road I really would not care I could go there and look it up again and come back home and finish it but it is a 45 mile drive each way and I can't leave until after I have this stupid tooth pulled. To top it all off my son has to go to his Dr. tomorrow and have a finger re-xrayed that still looks broke from 2 weeks ago and that is 10 miles the other way and he has to be there at 330 and be back home by 430 for a soccer game. My hubby will be gone and my oldest daughter thinks I am nuts because I told her she can skip school tomorrow to help me out with the younger kids and everything else I have going on tomorrow. I never let the kids do this so she is sure that this infection has gone to my brain.........

    Anyway I keep writting when all I really need to know is what this ch.13 plan paper looks like or if anyone knows the schedule number or form number......

    Thanks in advance

    Welcome to the Forum!!

    Here's a link for you to the BK Forms:

    I can't really help you with which form to file for your "Proposed Plan Payment". I don't know a lot of the smaller details of Ch 13.

    Hopefully, some of our Ch 13 filers will know exactly what you need.
    Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
    Discharged - 12/2006
    Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
    Closed - 04/2007

    I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

    Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


      You can file just the petition and then the rest in 10 days. ANY attorney can get that done for you the same day! They file eletronically to the courts.
      2 questions so maybe we can help you more. 1. why do you HAVE to file immediately, and 2. why do you have to keep it quiet until monday...
      sounds like you are in the process of racking up a few medical bills..if you could hold off you could include these. With the new laws, I would be very careful doing a 13 pro se!!
      oh, and welcome!
      Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


        Well as far as me being quiet about it that was until this last Monday. I had my 2 nephews and my niece and have since they were 22 months 4 months and 3 weeks. They are now almost 4, 2, and 1 and was in the process of adopting them. That became final on the 14th. They were adopted through the state and I did not need anything or anyone to stop me from keeping these kids that do not know any other parents than us. Now I really don't care anymore because they are legally ours and when other people file they don't lose their kids because of it so I knew once it was done I would be okay but was way too scared to find out since they weren't quite adopted what would happen.......

        I am behind on my mortgage and my van payment. I want to keep both of these things and so I need to file for the automatic stay.

        I am going to file tomorrow what I have done and their are many of these papers it says that I can file within 15 days so that may be what I have to do. I did not plan on getting this abscess so I can only do what I can do in between everything else........

        I have the petition done and the filing fee paper to pay in installments and the social security papers and the credit couseling and a few more forms so that is all that I really have to have done by tomorrow. Hopefully over the weekend and throughout next week I can get the rest done but I can get the case number tomorrow when I file and call the companies that I owe for the house and the van with the number and this will buy me some time. Don't get me wrong I will get it done within the time that I have but need to take care of my health right now as I am now mom to 9 and would not want to think that my kids would be without me this young.

        My dentist will work with me as far as pulling the tooth now and I am going to have to pull out hubbys 401K and get these teeth pulled and a set of dentures. I guess if the trustee throws too big of a fit about it I can tell her that a root canal is over 800.00 and all of this is only 2500.00 so hopefully she will understand that I did not have much choice and if not well at this point there is nothing else that I can do so I will just have to take that chance. My dentist needs to be paid upfront for the dentures so it will not really be a bill but rather a payment for needed medical issues.

        I am scared to death to file this 13 alone but the only attorney around here that does 13s is way too slow for me to think that he will get this done in the amount of time that I need it done in so another chance that I have to take I guess.

        Thanks for all your help and I will get through this I have to.


          congrats on your growing family! I am impressed that you are able to keep all of this together. Your kids are very lucky! In light of your recent increase in your family size, I am sure that you will now qualify for some state or federal programs such as food stamps, medical care, dental care, etc. You should check into these things. With a large family, the income requirements are higher than some might think. Also, you could see if legal aide is able to help you with the forms. Keep us posted and hopefully your tooth gets better! My husband had a root canal Friday and a temp. crown put on yesterday. Lots of money!!!! He is feeling better now, though.
          Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


            I think the main question that we would need to give any advice is why do you need to file quickly. Is there a sheriffs sale pending or a repo?

            If so by all means get the paperwork in, if not you may want to take a step back and do some research before you fill out the paperwork.

            Either way good luck
            Filed Chapter 13: 3/12/07
            Confirmed 5/14/07
            Last day from Claims 7/10/07
            Trying to stay under the radar


              Okay so I had a busy day today. Got two teeth pulled at 9 and had my papers filed this afternoon. Not a moment too soon either. When I got back I had certified letters from our former credit union they put a judgement on hubby and I both so now I can call them and tell them we filed and not have to worry about his check or our bank accounts being taken.

              I filled the papers only that I had to file today so I have much more work to do. The only thing is I did not list one of my creditors (student loan) on my matrix because I did not take that with me so I had to run over to the library and quick print a list after I found the addresses online so I don't know what will happen with that now but it is filed for now and I am going to rest some of the weekend and will have everything else done and taken in by next Friday.

              Thanks for all of your responses and no as far as I know there is not a sheriffs sale for the house as of yet but I am 4 months late on that as well as my van so I am sure that I have pushed my luck as far as I can and if I did not file soon I am sure I would have had the van repoed. I did get a letter a little less than a month ago from an attorney who said he was working on the foreclosure of our house and wanted me to send him some of the stuff that he needed so it needed done quickly............

              Thanks for listening


                Just an FYI for you,............. There's a $26 filing fee to Amend your Creditor's Matrix. So if you're gonna do it once for the Student Loans, you might double check to be sure you got everybody listed. Better to be safe than sorry.

                Amazing you had 2 teeth pulled today and still got a lot accomplished!!

                Sure hope you're feeling better soon!!
                Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
                Discharged - 12/2006
                Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
                Closed - 04/2007

                I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

                Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


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