I did forget an important part of the issue of Trustee wanting me to work even at home with a back injury. We have a daycare expense. The reason is of course degenerative disks with one herniated. I was instructed not to pick up anything over 5 lbs.
Then there is the issue of the baby... he's my grandson (minor daughter's child) The baby is 2 and weighs too much for me to be able to care for him with the injury. We do not receive child support from the father. He is involved in baby's life, however is in landscaping making just enough for his apartment and basic expenses. He does buy diapers occasionally and he sees his son daily. He is not named on the birth certificate and baby does not have his last name.
Since the baby is the child of a minor, he recieves medicaid for medical insurance. We checked into state provided daycare but there is a 3 year waiting list unless the program is eliminated.
Last week Trustee did question why we are paying daycare without financial help from the father or state help for my daughter. There is no money there. We supported our minor daughters decision to have a baby and have helped her through all this. Big blessing now...we didn't think so at the time.
So trustee has questioned me not working while having a daycare expense of my grandson. I do claim his as our dependent on taxes and been sole supporters of him since birth.
Then there is the issue of the baby... he's my grandson (minor daughter's child) The baby is 2 and weighs too much for me to be able to care for him with the injury. We do not receive child support from the father. He is involved in baby's life, however is in landscaping making just enough for his apartment and basic expenses. He does buy diapers occasionally and he sees his son daily. He is not named on the birth certificate and baby does not have his last name.
Since the baby is the child of a minor, he recieves medicaid for medical insurance. We checked into state provided daycare but there is a 3 year waiting list unless the program is eliminated.
Last week Trustee did question why we are paying daycare without financial help from the father or state help for my daughter. There is no money there. We supported our minor daughters decision to have a baby and have helped her through all this. Big blessing now...we didn't think so at the time.
So trustee has questioned me not working while having a daycare expense of my grandson. I do claim his as our dependent on taxes and been sole supporters of him since birth.