I have been making weekly payments in a chapter 13 plan for almost a year.
I have a full time job and a part time job and my wife has a part time job. My part time job is starting to take its toll on me and my family. Is it possible to quit my part time job and convert to a chapter 7? My income for my part time job is almost identical to my monthly chapter 13 payment. Would the trustee and/or courts frown upon this? I was also wondering if I would have to wait 6 months after quitting my part time job to show the court that I would now be below the median income for a family of four? Obviously once the income from my part time job was gone I would not be able to pay my weekly plan payments and pay my household bills so my plan payments would have to cease coinciding with when I quit my part time job. I would hate to take a gamble on quitting my job and having someone trustee, court or creditor object to my conversion. Then I would be worst off than when I started.
Feel free to tell me to suck it up and keep working my two jobs for four more years. Thats what I keep telling myself but at times I wish I never had this second job.
I have a full time job and a part time job and my wife has a part time job. My part time job is starting to take its toll on me and my family. Is it possible to quit my part time job and convert to a chapter 7? My income for my part time job is almost identical to my monthly chapter 13 payment. Would the trustee and/or courts frown upon this? I was also wondering if I would have to wait 6 months after quitting my part time job to show the court that I would now be below the median income for a family of four? Obviously once the income from my part time job was gone I would not be able to pay my weekly plan payments and pay my household bills so my plan payments would have to cease coinciding with when I quit my part time job. I would hate to take a gamble on quitting my job and having someone trustee, court or creditor object to my conversion. Then I would be worst off than when I started.
Feel free to tell me to suck it up and keep working my two jobs for four more years. Thats what I keep telling myself but at times I wish I never had this second job.