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The stress is over. Ndc has updated

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    I would wait 4-6 weeks for the bank to get the discharge and for the case to close. If you don't have it after 6 weeks, then call the bank and demand the title.
    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
    Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


      Originally posted by Clay3007 View Post
      Another question, our auto loan was included in the chap 13. Whats the process of getting the title now thats its paid off. Seems I have seen on here some banks send it others you have to call and inquire about it?
      My car was through the CH13. It got paid off early on in our journey and they sent us the title. My lawyer said sometimes they send it immediately after paid off while others get it after the whole journey is done. Just my experience.


        Congratulations! I too have been checking day & night (NDC & Pacer) for updates...I'm starting to see changes in NDC, such as a Pay Schedule tab that shows I have a surplus of approx $8000 (I'm assuming this is due to a car i surrendered 3 years ago while in this plan, and under the claims there is a "debtor refund" claim, but no info has been entered yet. Currently there is $1836 on hand, and when tomorrow's payroll deduction hits approx next Wednesday, the balance on hand will be more. I'm ready to put this behind me & get a full paycheck!


          How soon should the discharge happen in the timeline? All checks have been mailed out and all balances show $0 now. Is it usually 30 days or is this a case of how soon the trustee’s office moves? I checked pacer and the last document was on 9/19/24.


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