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Chapter 13 vs Debt Settlement

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    Yes it's going to vary based on income, dependents and budget. I'm single with no dependents. My attorney presented a budget to the court based on my expenses. I'm actually paying less than my DMI - about $100 less at the time. The Trustee said that as long as I don't come back and try to have my payments lowered he would approve it. After everything was approved and submitted I created a more specific budget and I'm sticking to it. Since I just got a raise and bonus, I have more breathing room. Also, after it was approved I did everything I could to lower expenses so I could start saving money. It's been a slow process but it's working. Keep us posted on how you're doing and what you decide.
    I paid $1000 down which included filing fees. I then paid out $3000 through my monthly payments. If I need anything while I'm in the process I don't have to pay my attorney anything else.


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