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Vent + Question for the group

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    Vent + Question for the group

    Long time everyone. Haven't posted in some time but had a recent change in my case that irritated me a little bit but ultimately, it is what it is. This may be a bit long, but want to make sure everyone gets the context before I ask the question. Plus it's nice to vent to those who have gone through it.

    Little background, filed Feb 2020 so got another 8 payments left till I'm over. Married by filed alone as everything was in my name (set it up that way while I supported my wife through 8 years of full-time school). Credit was so bad, by the time I filed, the bankruptcy actually raised my credit score (made me chuckle) once everything on my credit report updated and all the creditors started updating their information.

    My journey hasn't been nearly as bad as others I have read about, mainly due to the fact that my wife has excellent credit and has held down good paying jobs since she graduated and became licensed. Since the BK started, she has been through 2 different cars, and we have always either had the savings or her credit to lean on for unexpected pop-ups, so I never had a need to go back to the trustee with my hat in hand needing anything. Only downside is having to wait till this is over to buy a house. As well, the trustee has been virtually non-existent. I just send in my payments, send my taxes in every year, and been good to go.

    I asked my attorney in April of this year when I submitted my taxes if I needed to file and submit a copy of my 2024 taxes next year to get my discharge since Feb 2025 will be my last payment, and I don't usually file till April. They asked the trustee and said trustee came back and was like nah they not worrying about that since I will be done so close to tax time.

    Anyway, my wife recently got a better paying job so I had to update my income with attorney to send in to the trustee. So my attorney also asks me to update my expenses. I don't know about you all, but most of my expenses have increased over the last 4 years. Attorney was like, Trustee is going to want verification of any changes to expenses. I was like I am not going through that ringer again when I initially spent days going over the past 12 months expenses when I filed. That time was so stressful, I was like I can't relive it again (probably my own fault how this story ended lol). So I said just leave everything the same minus the change in rent, my wife's student loan payments, and her new truck payment since those are easy to verify. Change in income also includes my 5-7% annual raises since I filed (made sure to tell attorney about this back then and he said trustee was good with it) so as soon as I submitted the updates back to my attorney I was like . Numbers came back, and of course payment got bumped by almost another $600 a month.

    Of course, I am initially pissed. Even being this close to the end, I still was shouting at my computer screen as I went over the updated schedules my attorney sent over lol. The thought crossed my mind for like a split second to not say anything. I said to myself they are not going to ask for taxes once its over, and the trustee hasn't bothered me in the least this far, so who would know. Of course the gain doesn't outweigh the risks, because who wants to get a case dismissed after reaching the end for being stupid. But my question for those of you in the group, would the thought have crossed your mind? Anyone would have been bold enough to roll the dice?​

    I feel your pain, I went through the same almost except my wife went back to work during our 13 and I got yearly raises since we filed. Our income has doubled since we filed. Sent all payments and tax paper work and no one batted an eye. Told attorney about all raises and OT and there response… we will just wait until the trustee says something about it. Well now here it is month 61 and I’m still paying weekly payroll deduction because we don’t have a $0 balance yet. Attorney's response just keep doing what you have been and we just can’t let it go over 64 months🤦🏻 like NO I want it to be over! So at least you will pay yours off in the correct time and be done.


      All I know is this sage advice I learned here; don't poke a sleeping bear.
      Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
      Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
      Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

      Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


        Clay3007 Here's hoping so. I haven't hit that sweet ending yet so no telling what tomfoolery may happen once I hit month 60 lol.

        justbroke I here that. I think the reason it bothered me so bad was the fact of I haven't had to bother or been bothered with him since this thing started. Now, so close to the end, I'm putting the eyeball on me. My attorney was like ideally they don't say anything and everything just continues business as usual. The calm rational part of me is like, who would argue with more money being paid in. Trustee is gonna be like "higher payment... great! Nothing else to see here". But that little devils advocate anxiety chip on my shoulder is like trustee is gonna think "there's more blood to squeeze outta that rock" lol.


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