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Murphy go away for at least 14 more months

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    Murphy go away for at least 14 more months

    Murphy go away for 14 months then I will more financially able to deal with your nonsense!

    ***Still waiting on the car and had to pay around a grand for a rental (it can be prorated if I return before 30 days).

    ***I am being a responsible adult and focusing on positive. I knew the dryer was in a bad shape. I will be positive that I found charred towels in the dryer and that I did not have a house fire.

    I will be hanging clothes to dry in the basement and I will research dryers to find an affordable one. I won't dip into any $ that is from the car settlement since I don't know how soon I can buy a car. I can't buy a used dryer because I have no one to haul out the old one and pick up a new to me dryer and install it. I will have to go cheaper and get something adequate to dry clothes, nothing fancy.

    Being thankful there was no house fire and my only loss is a towel, hand towel and a few wash clothes that are charred and thrown away.

    ****Went back to the dentist. I got a bargain two teeth pulled only $30. One will not need to be replaced since it only helps chewing 20% and is in top back. The other will need to either get an implant or bridge. However the broken filling that she tried to save has a weird abscess, not the typical kind, so I am taking antibiotics and have to see a specialist who can shed more light on the weird abscess and see if the tooth can be saved. If you pray think of me and that my tooth is OK enough to deal with having a bridge not a root canal plus an implant next to it.

    My dental problems are my fault for not going to the dentist and when I realized I had a little problem I didn't go due to the $ and not having luck finding a decent dentist. It got way out of control so now it's time for damage control. Don't skip your dentist appointments!!! The good thing is aside from the two issues I have now my other teeth are sound.
    I am not an expert. I just share my experiences in the Wonderful Wacky World of Chapter 13! Filed 3-30-18 Confirmed 7-11-18 Discharged 6-8-22

    Carmella, I'm so sorry for all your misfortune!
    We have been very lucky with the two rusty old cars, not to have had an accident like yours. I can't believe you had to pay $1000 to rent a car when they should have included that in your settlement- so unfair!!!!
    As for the dryer, our current one is 5 years old and so far, it's holding up fine. In fact, our plan is to sell it with the house. You deserve a new dryer because it is too cold to manually dry clothes in the winter. I hope you find a cheap one soon.
    And as for the dentist, I had a bad one too when I had to have my back molar pulled. He started doing shoddy work in 2016, and I just didn't realize until I lost that tooth in 2018, how terrible he had become. (He was already 73 then - too old to be still practicing.)
    He caused me to need two root canals before the crowns could be done. Once I started seeing a new dentist, everything went much smoother, and I had a successful bone grafting procedure and dental implant surgery done with the severance funds when my husband was laid off in 2019.
    I wish you could access all the money you need to get ahead of Murphy.
    We are sending good vibes your way for a much need break from all this negativity and prayers too!


      Thanks Barbisi The dentist I have right now is a good one as far as I can tell. The tooth was very complicated because it's a cavity I originally had at age 13 or 14 and the dentist back then filled it in an effort to save it, this was in the mid to late 1970's. It lasted quite a while and became bad several months ago when part of the filling broke out. The dentist had wanted to put a bridge over it after repairing the broken filling, I have a space where a tooth was pulled when I was around 15 yrs old right infront of it. My teeth are pretty complicated at this point!

      I need to buy fabric softener to put in the washer I line dried two towels and I forgot how stiff they can get. I only have dryer sheets for softener!

      For the time being I might wash a small load daily or every other day since it's just me and my husband in the house I can toss whatever we wore into the washer and hang them easier, most on hangers. We are not wearing clothes that need tons of care if I get them out of the washer right away they will hang/dry nicely (don't need to iron). It's a pain, but manageable.

      I will be so happy when we hit the one year count down! You and your hubby must be so happy to be so close to the finish line!
      I am not an expert. I just share my experiences in the Wonderful Wacky World of Chapter 13! Filed 3-30-18 Confirmed 7-11-18 Discharged 6-8-22


        Carmella - well, the good thing is, you were able to get your two teeth taken care of. Also, I am praying for you!
        I had a crown done earlier this week; glad it's over with. I have 4 more to do but... uuuuhhh... not right now! Not during the holidays. Never a fan of needles and high speed drills, smoke, funk flavors, etc. all at once, just sayin. On the plus side I got a free 'cold shower' while they were drilling so that was nice. Not. The water pick thing was leaking, running down into my ear. Nice. Aaaanyway!


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