Originally posted by Barbisi
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I would not want to live in a place that I don't like. Even for me, Boulder was nice but that was the first time I ever saw a Whole Foods. The first time that everyone, to me it seemed, were riding bikes. The first time that I ever heard of "free range chickens raised in a stress free environment" (they were tasty though). The first time I couldn't breath while just walking (LOL, that was walking near Longs Peak). The first time that I've ever seen a "snow fence" and it was at the airport. The first time I have ever seen gates, which could be closed, on the way to the airport.
Ahh, so many firsts.
My general feeling on this is that no one would ever live in a place that they do not like. I know its difficult for many to relocate and they are stuck where they are. I actually couldn't live in Colorado unless that was a second home. I don't like snow, I don't ski, and I don't do winter. LOL