This is something I have never seen addressed here. Most cases of second BKs seem to involve debtors who remain in the same state after their first BK (7 or 13).
Is this just a coincidence or does staying in the same job at the same address for many more years predispose some one to a forced second BK? Or is it because maintaining the same lifestyle guarantees a repeat?
My personal theory is the circumstances which forced us into this BK13 would not have happened as they did had we been living some else and not been in Colorado and if we don't relocate we are doomed to a second BK13 just because the mortgage alone($2400 and rising) will never go down, and the surrounding housing will never be affordable or desirable. And most importantly if my husband is laid off again,as he was in 2019, we will be facing foreclosure with another BK13 as our only option. And a decent quality of life here is for me totally unobtainable. I could hardly hate this state more and staying here after obtaining a discharge just doesn't make sense to me. I desperately need to change my life and remaining here will never permit that, even when the creditors no longer control our daily financial choices and life.This climate is adversely affecting my health as well and most of my numerous doctors have recommended a more humid, milder see level climate to lessen my mysofascial joint issues.
Have any one you who weren't happy in your filing state successfully relocated with out needing to file again in your new state? And for those who stayed, did you regret your decision if you had to refile or did you feel your quality of life made a second BK worthwhile and tolerable? I don't forsee a bright future here after 2022 unless we can move else where and I am curios how others have fared when they chose to change their location.
Any shared experiences and perspectives are appreciated, but not criticisms of my viewpoint. Thank you!
Is this just a coincidence or does staying in the same job at the same address for many more years predispose some one to a forced second BK? Or is it because maintaining the same lifestyle guarantees a repeat?
My personal theory is the circumstances which forced us into this BK13 would not have happened as they did had we been living some else and not been in Colorado and if we don't relocate we are doomed to a second BK13 just because the mortgage alone($2400 and rising) will never go down, and the surrounding housing will never be affordable or desirable. And most importantly if my husband is laid off again,as he was in 2019, we will be facing foreclosure with another BK13 as our only option. And a decent quality of life here is for me totally unobtainable. I could hardly hate this state more and staying here after obtaining a discharge just doesn't make sense to me. I desperately need to change my life and remaining here will never permit that, even when the creditors no longer control our daily financial choices and life.This climate is adversely affecting my health as well and most of my numerous doctors have recommended a more humid, milder see level climate to lessen my mysofascial joint issues.
Have any one you who weren't happy in your filing state successfully relocated with out needing to file again in your new state? And for those who stayed, did you regret your decision if you had to refile or did you feel your quality of life made a second BK worthwhile and tolerable? I don't forsee a bright future here after 2022 unless we can move else where and I am curios how others have fared when they chose to change their location.
Any shared experiences and perspectives are appreciated, but not criticisms of my viewpoint. Thank you!
