So, yesterday, I'm sifting between junkmail and mail I am going to pay scant attention to and there are two letters from the trustee I can't seem to take my eyes off.
The first letter is congratulatory for actually finishing a process 60% of people fail to do, that is, actually complete a chapter 13 plan. The letter details next steps that the trustee is required to do (financial acounting and reporting), other provisions I'll have to comply with (certification of debtor education and compliance with domestic obligation), and what to expect as the case comes to a close (the case should close within 60 days.
The other letter was a carbon copy of the order sent from the trustee to my employer rescinding the payroll deduction and instructing them to immediately direct all earned wages to me. The letter also thanked them for their assistance and understanding in resolving this financial difficulty.
So, finally, after a long 5 year stint, I'll start getting full paychecks next month,
The first letter is congratulatory for actually finishing a process 60% of people fail to do, that is, actually complete a chapter 13 plan. The letter details next steps that the trustee is required to do (financial acounting and reporting), other provisions I'll have to comply with (certification of debtor education and compliance with domestic obligation), and what to expect as the case comes to a close (the case should close within 60 days.
The other letter was a carbon copy of the order sent from the trustee to my employer rescinding the payroll deduction and instructing them to immediately direct all earned wages to me. The letter also thanked them for their assistance and understanding in resolving this financial difficulty.
So, finally, after a long 5 year stint, I'll start getting full paychecks next month,