When a credit card company files an objection, are they only able to file on a large charge, or can they file for smaller ones?
My question is based on this... my husband and I have several thousand (probably about $80k) in cc debt that we've racked up since 2008 (yes, in two years). Part of it (about 20k) was done prior to 2008. Anyway, I was looking over our statements for the last year (we are hoping to file in August for Chap. 7 BK) and I saw that we had made a charge of $650 to Home Depot back in August 2009. That's the largest charge we've made in the last year (although there were some $400 ones). If AT&T Universal Card files an objection, would they only be able to on that particular charge or would they on the entire debt of $25,000.
My question is based on this... my husband and I have several thousand (probably about $80k) in cc debt that we've racked up since 2008 (yes, in two years). Part of it (about 20k) was done prior to 2008. Anyway, I was looking over our statements for the last year (we are hoping to file in August for Chap. 7 BK) and I saw that we had made a charge of $650 to Home Depot back in August 2009. That's the largest charge we've made in the last year (although there were some $400 ones). If AT&T Universal Card files an objection, would they only be able to on that particular charge or would they on the entire debt of $25,000.