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1 week until 341 meeting!!!!

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    1 week until 341 meeting!!!!

    I am nervous as time gets closer. I have my 341 schedule for 7/15. I have filed a CH7 no asset with an attorney. The reason I have filed I have been getting garnished for the time I did not mind so I was repaying little by little. Then one day I started to get garnish by 2 creditors at the same time which was killing my salary and I had a new addition to my family along with that my hubby lost his job. Then it hit me time to get help. With my tax refund I went straight to a lawyer to get the ball rolling.
    I am still getting garnish by 1 creditor, one stopped cause it was paid in full before I file. Now I filed in 6/13 its now 7/8 and my garnishment still have not stopped....I will wait another week and speak with my lawyer about this when I see him. I have read so much of your posting and see that everything went smoothly I just hope all goes well for me as it did for you guys.
    This is process is so stressful.....any advise?


    I just had my 341 in May. I was very nervous as I had no idea what to expect. However, with the great support I got here at Bk Forum I got through it. Just like I was told, there was nothing to it and I felt a little foolish afterwards for allowing myself to get worked up at all.
    At the 341 meeting they called my name second but I was the next to the last to go before the trustee. He was actually nice to me, joked around, and even gave me some advice.
    There must have been twenty or so cases that day and being next to last I witnessed them all. All sailed through without a hitch.
    The only one that was questionable was a person who came without an attorney and was argumentative, but even he got through OK.
    You will be just fine.


      Thank you. Despite of how much I read on here of everyone's experience its always that one question "WHAT IF"
      I have no asset at all....that I assure anyone, no house, no car, no bank account (cause they would of taken that, I beleive)
      I literally live pay check to pay check due to my mistakes with my credit in the past.
      Knowing there is nothing to be taken....I can't help it to worry...maybe that's just me



        I play the "what if" game too. I think most people do to one degree or another. I think it is part of human nature.

        I read every sticky trying to find some kind of negative outcome but all I found were people who had been through the process saying, "I should have done it sooner. Sorry I waited so long to file. My life is so much better now." I never found one that said they made a mistake or regretted filing.

        As to worry, we all do it, you are not alone. I suggest finding something to take your mind of your situation. All the worry in the world never helped anyone. You will do just fine.

        My advice for your hearing is to be early. Don't take chances with break-downs or traffic jams/accident. Try to be there an hour early. Once there you can get a coffee and relax. Dress business casual. When asked questions keep it short and don't elaborate unless you are asked to do so.


          Originally posted by Romie View Post
          Thank you. Despite of how much I read on here of everyone's experience its always that one question "WHAT IF"
          I have no asset at all....that I assure anyone, no house, no car, no bank account (cause they would of taken that, I beleive)
          I literally live pay check to pay check due to my mistakes with my credit in the past.
          Knowing there is nothing to be taken....I can't help it to worry...maybe that's just me
          I hear ya on the living paycheck to paycheck... at least that will change for us both now that we have the 341 over with and we can start building our credit


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