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341 Meeting 8/20

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    341 Meeting 8/20

    I'm a bit nervous, and ready to have all of this behind me. I filed 7/30, so I thought this was quick!

    Yes, it does seem quick, but you will be relieved once it has come and gone. Good luck.
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      Our 341 is also scheduled for 8/20. And, ironically, I'm originally from Rhode Island! We filed on 7/19. Hopefully we'll both be posting that we worried for nothing Good luck!!


        Sooner is better IMO. Good luck!
        Chapter 7, above median, no asset. Discharged with no UST involvement.


          Thanks! I'm being cautiously optimistic......I make twice the median income, but have huge expenses like alimony to my ex-husband, north of $1k a month! I think my attorney finagled something to be in front of the nicer trustees, if there is such a thing.

          He keeps telling me I have an "unsympathetic case", so I said how is that code to bode, he said let him worry about that. Well ok then. As, I said I'm cautiously optimistic, he's considered a master at ch 13, and he's the one that pushed me to file 7, so I'm going to trust his expertise. Throughout the entire process, his turnaround time to contact me or answer a question was, at most 20-min! He even send a 20 point email once we filed about the dos and donts of the 341 meeting. Even went so far to tell me not to wear jewelry or bring a fancy bag, etc.....

          I'm not going to stress, worse that can happen is they force me into 13, and I'm negative $451 on means test every month, so good luck. I don't have any outlandish expenses except for $850 car expenses, due to the fact that I travel 3600-4200 per month for work, parking and other expenses for work. I get reimbursed and that was added to my income, but still doesn't come close to covering gas, etc.

          As an example, I went to a meeting yesterday in Boston, parked for 2 1/4 hours and paid $42 in parking?!! This happens many times throughout the month.

          Sorry for the rambling.....

          Good luck to others who are scheduled for. 8/20.


            Thanks so much. I'm a transplant, originally from MA.


              You have a GREAT attorney!! Yes, let him do the worrying for you--that is what you paid him for. And that list of DON'Ts for the 341 is exactly what some of us have posted on the 341 Board. Do not in any way call undue attention to yourself. 'Hub wore grey pants, white shirt and a sports jacket; I wore a pair of dress slacks and solid color blouse. We didn't even wear our wedding rings, as modest as they are.

              Just be sure you know where the 341 will be held. If you are not familiar with the area, the weekend before, take a Saturday or Sunday afternoon drive and familiarize yourself with the traffic flow, any road construction underway, and where parking places are.

              And yes, sometimes the attorney will delay filing your case until a more sympathetic trustee comes up in the rotation.
              Last edited by AngelinaCat; 08-06-2013, 09:04 AM. Reason: left out a word
              "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

              "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


                Thanks, AC, my appointment isn't until 3pm, I took the day off. I plan to get there by 12-12:30, so I can listen to how this works and what questions they ask. Yes, I also plan on doing a "dry run"......thanks for the tips.



                  A bit of background....
                  I'm on the eve of my 341 meeting, and I'm way over the median, with enough expenses I was allowed to file CH my question is, I haven't been asked for any additional information or back-up from my attorney or trustees office. Is this a good sign? Or, does this mean, I may get grilled tomorrow. I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for this. Attorney checked in this am and said, don't forget forms of ID, get there early, don't wear jewelry or bring a fancy pocketbook and just tell the truth and everything will be fine.

                  I appreciate any feedback, you folks are always for helpful and knowing you've walked these steps is comforting.


                    Originally posted by mlevesque308 View Post
                    otell the truth and everything will be fine.

                    I appreciate any feedback, you folks are always for helpful and knowing you've walked these steps is comforting.
                    Your attorney gave you excellent words of wisdom. As long as you are truthful, you will have no problems at all that can not or will not be worked out. Remember........ the trustee is just doing his/her job. The trustee is not there to whip you or eat you. All will be fine.

                    Patience grasshopper.
                    All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                    Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                      Thanks. Good to know. urgghhh.....I'm so type A, so the unknown is giving me some anxiety issues. LOL. I want nothing more then the hamster youtube video in 60-70 days!


                        Originally posted by mlevesque308 View Post
                        Thanks. Good to know. urgghhh.....I'm so type A, so the unknown is giving me some anxiety issues. LOL. I want nothing more then the hamster youtube video in 60-70 days!
                        I will be glad to present it to you!
                        "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

                        "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


                          Hi mievesque. Just remember, the best answers to the trustee are, yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am, don't volunteer any info unless asked, and keep answers short. If asked 'why are you filing BK' (for example,) the TT doesn't want to hear a 20 minute explanation, simple response is best 'unemployed since June, 2011,' (again, just an example.) If he/she wants to know more, it will be asked.

                          We'll be thinking of you. Good luck.


                            AngelinaCat: Thanks so much. Believe me, I have a picture of what my dance-a-long will look like.

                            Pjmax: Thanks so much much.........


                              Sending best thoughts your way


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