Hello everyone,
My husband and I filed a no-asset chapter 7 bankruptcy and have our 341 meeting Thursday. We have been told our trustee is a great guy, very laid back but that's not much consolation for me! I have a few questions...
1. About 3 weeks before we filed, I was stuck in the middle of Montana with no money, a non-working debit card, and no gas. In a pinch I used my credit card to put enough gas in my vehicle to make it home. Will the trustee allow me to explain this? Could my whole case get thrown out over $40 in gas? I'm terrified about this.
2. My attorney said no documentation aside from ID and my social were necessary at the meeting, however he mentioned the trustee was getting mad about people and their tax returns so he may start requiring receipts. Should I just bring my receipts with me to the meeting? My thoughts were that he might not actually take them if I'm forthcoming and prepared. I also have nothing to hide and would like this to be over sooner rather than later.
3. Two days before we filed, my husbands wheel fell off while he was on the freeway. The tire company that just installed his new tires accepted responsibility and want to pay for the body damage to the vehicle. Is this considered a "claim" against them? I'm just not sure how to answer the "do you have any claims against anyone" question.
4. What is PACER? I've read you all talking about it, but our attorney never mentioned anything.
I'm so nervous that I've been unable to sleep and have actually been prescribed a sedative due to my high anxiety!
This has been so nerve-wracking and difficult.
My husband and I filed a no-asset chapter 7 bankruptcy and have our 341 meeting Thursday. We have been told our trustee is a great guy, very laid back but that's not much consolation for me! I have a few questions...
1. About 3 weeks before we filed, I was stuck in the middle of Montana with no money, a non-working debit card, and no gas. In a pinch I used my credit card to put enough gas in my vehicle to make it home. Will the trustee allow me to explain this? Could my whole case get thrown out over $40 in gas? I'm terrified about this.
2. My attorney said no documentation aside from ID and my social were necessary at the meeting, however he mentioned the trustee was getting mad about people and their tax returns so he may start requiring receipts. Should I just bring my receipts with me to the meeting? My thoughts were that he might not actually take them if I'm forthcoming and prepared. I also have nothing to hide and would like this to be over sooner rather than later.
3. Two days before we filed, my husbands wheel fell off while he was on the freeway. The tire company that just installed his new tires accepted responsibility and want to pay for the body damage to the vehicle. Is this considered a "claim" against them? I'm just not sure how to answer the "do you have any claims against anyone" question.
4. What is PACER? I've read you all talking about it, but our attorney never mentioned anything.
I'm so nervous that I've been unable to sleep and have actually been prescribed a sedative due to my high anxiety!