I represented my self and filed Pro Se Bankcruptcy Chpt 7. I got to the place 15 minutes early. I listened to one case. It was now 9:30 I was up first(well for the 9:30 time)....
Basically he just asked if I signed it, who helped me and where I got my forms. and just asked do you have any assets, which I answered just my car. He closed out the meeting with "No distribution, good luck"
I was out of there on the road by 9:38.
I'm guessing the No distribution and good luck was a good thing?
Basically he just asked if I signed it, who helped me and where I got my forms. and just asked do you have any assets, which I answered just my car. He closed out the meeting with "No distribution, good luck"
I was out of there on the road by 9:38.
I'm guessing the No distribution and good luck was a good thing?