My hearing with the trustee was today. Wasn't nervous, scared....had vertigo when I woke up so frankly I was more concerned with my ears ringing & the room spinning.
Frankly most of the questions were fine, then he got into some other issues where is tone was VERY accusatory. I filed a malpractice lawsuit Nov. 2009 on my mom's behalf...she couldn't do it, because the surgeon injured her so severely he left her brain damaged and on a vent.
He said "Now your under oath".....what do you plan to get out of the lawsuit......I mean I was almost speechless, this guy HAS NO IDEA of what my mom has gone through, and what lengths I have had to endure to get her descent care. He doesn't realize my mom & I lived together the last 12 years and she is my BFF, and she took care of me thru 5 surgeries, jogged 5 miles a day, took care of 6 cats and ran the household BEFORE this so called doctor basically "killed her"
I was and am really outraged because in the last 2 years I have had NO one question my love & devotion for my mom. The facility she is in is 12,000 a month & it sucks...I do not want her to die there, I want her home with me and our cats...and 2 LVN's trained in Trach/Vents....12 hours shifts is almost 10,000 per month....this is what I told the judge.....and he said I am my mom's mom has nothing, we co own a 1971 double wide, she HAS NO assets, Medi-cal takes her 1451 per month as the "share of cost" I even have to pay 50$ per PT session out my pocket and I am disabled.....but I do it because she is my MOM!
I also just got awarded FINALLY after 3 years SOCIAL SECURITY..and they paid me retroactive SS for the last year which is lawyer has to do an amendment, we did list it, but when we filed we didn't know the amount, and it showed up 8 days later....anyway I just had to VENT!!!!!! This man really upset me....maybe too many scammers......he made me guilty because I am disabled, been on worker's comp for 7 years and now get SS.
Yeah its been a real party, losing usage of both upper extremities and having to fight with every agency known to mankind attempting to get my mother the care she deserved......yeah been having a great time. \
Thanks for letting me VENT!!!! I feel better now
Frankly most of the questions were fine, then he got into some other issues where is tone was VERY accusatory. I filed a malpractice lawsuit Nov. 2009 on my mom's behalf...she couldn't do it, because the surgeon injured her so severely he left her brain damaged and on a vent.
He said "Now your under oath".....what do you plan to get out of the lawsuit......I mean I was almost speechless, this guy HAS NO IDEA of what my mom has gone through, and what lengths I have had to endure to get her descent care. He doesn't realize my mom & I lived together the last 12 years and she is my BFF, and she took care of me thru 5 surgeries, jogged 5 miles a day, took care of 6 cats and ran the household BEFORE this so called doctor basically "killed her"
I was and am really outraged because in the last 2 years I have had NO one question my love & devotion for my mom. The facility she is in is 12,000 a month & it sucks...I do not want her to die there, I want her home with me and our cats...and 2 LVN's trained in Trach/Vents....12 hours shifts is almost 10,000 per month....this is what I told the judge.....and he said I am my mom's mom has nothing, we co own a 1971 double wide, she HAS NO assets, Medi-cal takes her 1451 per month as the "share of cost" I even have to pay 50$ per PT session out my pocket and I am disabled.....but I do it because she is my MOM!
I also just got awarded FINALLY after 3 years SOCIAL SECURITY..and they paid me retroactive SS for the last year which is lawyer has to do an amendment, we did list it, but when we filed we didn't know the amount, and it showed up 8 days later....anyway I just had to VENT!!!!!! This man really upset me....maybe too many scammers......he made me guilty because I am disabled, been on worker's comp for 7 years and now get SS.
Yeah its been a real party, losing usage of both upper extremities and having to fight with every agency known to mankind attempting to get my mother the care she deserved......yeah been having a great time. \
Thanks for letting me VENT!!!! I feel better now
