Good Afternoon,
Just got home from my 341!! (Whew.. That's over!)
The Trustee Room is in the Ronald Reagan Building. Very nice, new building. Airport type security (Even had to remove my shoes!) The Trustee room is right next to the cafeteria, so get there early and have a bite to eat!
My appointment was scheduled for 1:00pm, but I was paranoid about freeway traffic, so I left at 11:20.
Parking was easy (There are signs) and cost me a total of $2.00.
I got inside the courthouse at 12:00 and was hoping to watch some 341s before me but I forgot Courts usually take 12-1 off for lunch, so I was out of luck. A list was posted in the back of the room of all the 341s for the day and there was a total of 15 scheduled for the 1:00pm spot. I was first - Yikes..
Room 3110 was completely empty when I arrived so I sat on a window bench outside the office and read my book. At 12:30 I went into the room and sat down in the front row. I figured if I was first then I might as well sit up front.
The room was nice and had a conference table in the front with 6 rows of 8 chairs in front of it. I sat and waited for my attorneys sub to show up. Got really nervous until she finally walked in at 12:59!! Geez..
I was first up and I had a feeling I was the only prepared one there based on the chit chat I heard behind me. I think I was the only one that knew it would take 2-3 minutes and be in front of other people.
Go up and had the following convo:
Raise your right hand, do you swear to tell the whole truth
I do
State your name and address
I did
Is your social security number correct
Did you read the green form
Did you include all your assets on the petition
Did you include your husbands assets on the petition (I am filing solo)
Do you understand what you signed
Did you include all of XXXXXX (my business name) liabilities, accounts receivable, inventory, and assets
Did you include your husbands assets on the petition (yes he asked twice)
The last Taxes you filed were in 2009
No, 2010
He looks at my info has 2009 taxes, not 2010
Maybe my attorney sent you the wrong info.
Okay. Please send in your 2010 information. Your 341 will be continued until then, but once I receive the information we will remove you from the books
(then he read some more of my summary sheet - I think this is a form with notes on it from my case)
You did include all your business assets
Thank you, you are excused
Thank you
Walked out of the room with my sub and she said. Let's call your attorney and he can email me your 2010 taxes. I can go and get them printed out. That way we can take care of this right here.
Ahh But I didn't need to do that because........................ I had my big book of carefully organized info with me
I gave her my 2010 taxes. She took them back in the room. 2 minutes later she was back, handed them to me and said "Okay we are all done. There is no continuance and you are finished." (Note the trustee didn't even keep the taxes, he gave them back, and there definitely wasn't enough time to photocopy or scan them)
I don't know why I didn't pull out the taxes in front of the trustee?? I was just really, really, really nervous. My heart was beating so hard, I felt like I had just run a marathon.
I left the building and was in my car at 1:12pm....
Suggestions for others now that I have been through it:
1-If you don't want to bring your big book with you, at least bring your most recent Federal Taxes. From all my reading this seems to be the thing that holds most people up
2-People were dressed in everything from shorts, jeans, or suits. I would go for a business casual type look. I wore a grey and white skirt, white cotton top, and burgandy shoes. I was more casual than business casual, but I was perfectly fine.
3-Take a really, really deep breath when you sit down at the table. I probably seemed shifty to the trustee because I was so nervous
Just got home from my 341!! (Whew.. That's over!)
The Trustee Room is in the Ronald Reagan Building. Very nice, new building. Airport type security (Even had to remove my shoes!) The Trustee room is right next to the cafeteria, so get there early and have a bite to eat!
My appointment was scheduled for 1:00pm, but I was paranoid about freeway traffic, so I left at 11:20.
Parking was easy (There are signs) and cost me a total of $2.00.
I got inside the courthouse at 12:00 and was hoping to watch some 341s before me but I forgot Courts usually take 12-1 off for lunch, so I was out of luck. A list was posted in the back of the room of all the 341s for the day and there was a total of 15 scheduled for the 1:00pm spot. I was first - Yikes..
Room 3110 was completely empty when I arrived so I sat on a window bench outside the office and read my book. At 12:30 I went into the room and sat down in the front row. I figured if I was first then I might as well sit up front.
The room was nice and had a conference table in the front with 6 rows of 8 chairs in front of it. I sat and waited for my attorneys sub to show up. Got really nervous until she finally walked in at 12:59!! Geez..
I was first up and I had a feeling I was the only prepared one there based on the chit chat I heard behind me. I think I was the only one that knew it would take 2-3 minutes and be in front of other people.
Go up and had the following convo:
Raise your right hand, do you swear to tell the whole truth
I do
State your name and address
I did
Is your social security number correct
Did you read the green form
Did you include all your assets on the petition
Did you include your husbands assets on the petition (I am filing solo)
Do you understand what you signed
Did you include all of XXXXXX (my business name) liabilities, accounts receivable, inventory, and assets
Did you include your husbands assets on the petition (yes he asked twice)
The last Taxes you filed were in 2009
No, 2010
He looks at my info has 2009 taxes, not 2010
Maybe my attorney sent you the wrong info.
Okay. Please send in your 2010 information. Your 341 will be continued until then, but once I receive the information we will remove you from the books
(then he read some more of my summary sheet - I think this is a form with notes on it from my case)
You did include all your business assets
Thank you, you are excused
Thank you
Walked out of the room with my sub and she said. Let's call your attorney and he can email me your 2010 taxes. I can go and get them printed out. That way we can take care of this right here.
Ahh But I didn't need to do that because........................ I had my big book of carefully organized info with me

I don't know why I didn't pull out the taxes in front of the trustee?? I was just really, really, really nervous. My heart was beating so hard, I felt like I had just run a marathon.
I left the building and was in my car at 1:12pm....
Suggestions for others now that I have been through it:
1-If you don't want to bring your big book with you, at least bring your most recent Federal Taxes. From all my reading this seems to be the thing that holds most people up
2-People were dressed in everything from shorts, jeans, or suits. I would go for a business casual type look. I wore a grey and white skirt, white cotton top, and burgandy shoes. I was more casual than business casual, but I was perfectly fine.
3-Take a really, really deep breath when you sit down at the table. I probably seemed shifty to the trustee because I was so nervous
