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341 mtg in a month -- question regarding DL and SSN

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    341 mtg in a month -- question regarding DL and SSN

    Hi all, I have my 341 scheduled on 6/22 -- I just have a question regarding my DL and SSN. On my petition, I have my first name and maiden name, however on my DL and SSN, I have my first name, maiden name and married name (hyphenated) -- I am separated and currently going through the finalization of my divorce. My DL and SSN have my maiden name on there, but with the married name tacked on to it, will that make a difference?

    I have a copy of my SS card that has only my first and maiden name on it as well if that helps. Thoughts?

    Take your current DL and SS card. If the trustee has an issue with the way the name is on your petition, he may ask you questions, ask you to amend the form, etc. However, you were asked on the petition to list all other names you went by in the previous 8 years, so I'm assuming your married name was listed in that box? If the married name is listed there, I doubt the trustee will blink.
    Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


      Yes, I listed all prior names in the box -- however on my petition, the main name is my maiden name. The name on my DL is my maiden name+hypenathed married name


        The lady ahead of us at our 341, had filed pro se. She had also recently divorced and was re-assuming her maiden name. I don't remember which way the DL and SS cards were named, but in either case, the name she used on her petition did NOT agree with what was on her photo IDs.

        The trustee continued her case until the following month so she could get that sorted out. While he was very patient with her, and explained many things to her that he really did not have to do, it was apparent that she had very little clue as to what she was doing, and the trustee recommended several times that she get an attorney. I am thinking that she had no money for one.

        If you have the hyphenated names on both of your IDs, I would think that you would be okay. But it could depend on how 'picky about details' the trustee is that you get.

        Good luck.
        "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

        "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


          I don't think it will be an issue, since both names are on the petition. You can explain to the trustee at the 341 - if they ask- that you are going through the final stages of your divorce. Like I said, they may ask you to amend the petition to show the current legal name, if your hyphenated name is the current "legal" name.

          ETA: ahhh, someone with a firsthand account. So as Cat states, it's possible your 341 would be continued to sort it out at the very extreme.
          Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


            Would it be easier to just amend my petition so that my legal name appears? Is that something that is possible?


              I think I'd contact the clerk where you filed your petition. They can't give you legal advice, per se, but they can help you out with procedures. You can ask them what you need to do to amend that front page of the petition. I know with schedules D, E and F, they will charge a $26 fee to amend. Also, would you have to amend every page that has your case name at the top? It might be easier to wait until your 341 and see what the trustee says. It would be a shame to go through the cost/labor to amend everything if you don't have to.
              Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


                If you have the document you are working with for the divorce, that specifies you are returning to your maiden name, bring a copy of that with you, too. It seems you jumped the gun on getting your DL and SS cards changed before the divorce is finalized. But if you have documentation showing it's all aboveboard, I would think the worst that could happen is a continuance to get the paperwork all in agreement.
                Figured out we were in trouble: (Wait, we're in trouble? ) Stopped paying creditors: Aug 2010 Filed Chap 7: Apr 29, 2011 341: Jun 1, 2011 Report of no distribution: Jun 1, 2011 Discharged Aug 2, 2011


                  No, the OP had not changed her cards yet. They show her married name which is a hyphenated form of her maiden name and the husband's surname. She filed her petition under her maiden name alone.
                  "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

                  "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


                    OIC, I've got it backwards. But the divorce document probably shows both names so it might suffice to support you in this effort.
                    Figured out we were in trouble: (Wait, we're in trouble? ) Stopped paying creditors: Aug 2010 Filed Chap 7: Apr 29, 2011 341: Jun 1, 2011 Report of no distribution: Jun 1, 2011 Discharged Aug 2, 2011


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