Hello All,
I hope this helps anyone who will be having their 341 meeting in Detroit, MI at the Bankruptcy Court located at 211 W. Fort St.
We arrived 30 mins. early as recommended. The room was pretty full with several seats open to sit at and there were people standing in the hall. We met with our lawyer who went over the questions that the Trustee may ask us, actually the sheet that we went over that my attorney circled yes and no to the questions was the same one the Trustee looked at.
First, he swore myself and my wife in. Then we handed over our Drivers License and Social Security cards. He asked us when we moved in to our home and then asked our lawyer if he had the Sheriff sale deed. He then asked us if we had any other property and if we planned on receiveing any inheritance in the near future. After that he said thats it have a good day.
We were ther for two hours total, but the meeting itself from the time it started till it got to us and ended was about 30 min.
I hope this helps anyone who will be having their 341 meeting in Detroit, MI at the Bankruptcy Court located at 211 W. Fort St.
We arrived 30 mins. early as recommended. The room was pretty full with several seats open to sit at and there were people standing in the hall. We met with our lawyer who went over the questions that the Trustee may ask us, actually the sheet that we went over that my attorney circled yes and no to the questions was the same one the Trustee looked at.
First, he swore myself and my wife in. Then we handed over our Drivers License and Social Security cards. He asked us when we moved in to our home and then asked our lawyer if he had the Sheriff sale deed. He then asked us if we had any other property and if we planned on receiveing any inheritance in the near future. After that he said thats it have a good day.
We were ther for two hours total, but the meeting itself from the time it started till it got to us and ended was about 30 min.
