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341 Done - Went Well!

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    341 Done - Went Well!

    We had our 341 (in VA) today and it went really well. We got there early and watched 15 or so prior to our time slot. We were the 5th to go in our hour. The Trustee asked us to state our names, verify all the information on our forms was correct and checked our IDs. Then, he said "You do realize you have quite a bit of credit card debt, right?". I said "Yes, sir, I do". Then, he asked when the last time we used our credit cards was - we told him in January of this year. He then said that he was abandoning "car 1, car 2, boat, boat motor, the trailer. Is that all of your cars, boats and stuff?". I said yes and he didn't say a word! Lastly, he asked if we had ever used one credit card to pay another. I told him that we did - 4 or 5 years ago. He seemed pleased, joked around with my attorney, and told us that was it. He was a REALLY nice guy.

    Things I learned from watching other cases:

    1) Be honest
    2) DO NOT fight with the Trustee
    3) If your spouse dies between filing and your 341 - they will be VERY sympathetic and will not give you a hard time... Oh, and bring their death certificate.

    Stopped paying CCs 1/10 | Stopped paying mortgages 2/10 | Interviewed attorneys 3/10-5/10 | Retained attorney 5/14/10 | Delivered paperwork to attorney 6/17/10 | Filed Ch7 7/9/10 | 341 8/16/10 | Objection Deadline 10/15/10 | DISCHARGED 10/20/10

    #2 sorry about your prayers are with you...and congrats on your 341!!!
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


      I guess my post wasn't clear. MY spouse didn't die, thankfully. A guy who went before us lost his spouse unexpectedly.
      Stopped paying CCs 1/10 | Stopped paying mortgages 2/10 | Interviewed attorneys 3/10-5/10 | Retained attorney 5/14/10 | Delivered paperwork to attorney 6/17/10 | Filed Ch7 7/9/10 | 341 8/16/10 | Objection Deadline 10/15/10 | DISCHARGED 10/20/10


        Someone actually argued with the trustee?

        I have some trouble envisioning that but I suppose it might be relatively common. People under stress....
        11/2008 - Filed Chapter 13
        02/2010 - Chapter 13 dismissed
        08/2010 - Filed Chapter 7 pro se in new district
        09/2010 - Chapter 7 341


          Yes, they did actually argue with the Trustee. And, get this... They argued with them about how the attorney filled out their forms. After the Trustee said the attorney did it incorrectly - the ATTORNEY began fighting w/ the Trustee. It lasted 5+ minutes & the attorney was still spouting off as he walked out of the room.
          Stopped paying CCs 1/10 | Stopped paying mortgages 2/10 | Interviewed attorneys 3/10-5/10 | Retained attorney 5/14/10 | Delivered paperwork to attorney 6/17/10 | Filed Ch7 7/9/10 | 341 8/16/10 | Objection Deadline 10/15/10 | DISCHARGED 10/20/10


            8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


              Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
              It was pretty funny actually. Even worse for the attorney's client - after he left, the Trustee was writing all over the file. I don't think they've heard the last from him.
              Stopped paying CCs 1/10 | Stopped paying mortgages 2/10 | Interviewed attorneys 3/10-5/10 | Retained attorney 5/14/10 | Delivered paperwork to attorney 6/17/10 | Filed Ch7 7/9/10 | 341 8/16/10 | Objection Deadline 10/15/10 | DISCHARGED 10/20/10


                Too bad for the client in that one.

                AlmostAmos, I like the way you've broken out the process of your bankruptcy to show the interview process, the paperwork submission process and so on. Had I been on this forum for my earlier Chapter 13 and read your sigblock, I would have understood a lot more than I did about how I should have been progressing through my own filing.
                11/2008 - Filed Chapter 13
                02/2010 - Chapter 13 dismissed
                08/2010 - Filed Chapter 7 pro se in new district
                09/2010 - Chapter 7 341


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