I had my meeting today. My attorney had another client at the same time, so he kept going back and forth between rooms. No big deal, I didn't feel overly stressed. I knew I had been honest, and the attorney lead me to believe everything was fine for my Chapter 7.
BIG MISTAKE on my part: I never asked for copies of my paperwork he submitted. I spent so much time on his questionnaire (which was more detailed,) I figured he compiled the information correctly. I only glanced over the forms when I signed. Stupid me for assuming he did them correctly.
Ten minutes before my name is called, my attorney tells me "we have a problem." He "accidentally" added my car payment twice!?!?! I no longer pass the means test!
My name is called. At this point I feel like I've got the crappiest lawyer around, and I'm angry I didn't catch the error. I'm more pissed than nervous. I was polite and professional to the trustee. I don't know if he picked up on my irritation with my lawyer. At my meeting there were two trustees, the main trustee (who conducted the meetings for everyone else,) and one additional trustee. Lucky me for the extra attention.
Apparently my lawyer listed my car payment twice, and the ownership of another car twice. The trustee had the mistakes circled. After a brief discussion I was dismissed. They assume I've got an additional $506 unaccounted for based on the paperwork. I'll be looking for other errors, now that I have copies of everything. But that doesn't help my current situation.
I've got 10 days to amend the paperwork. Which now means I have to develop a payment plan. My lawyer wants an additional $2000 (after the $1500 I've already payed) to convert this to a Chapter 13. My money is so tight now, I don't know if I can afford the $400-$500 payment for 3-5 years, plus attorney fees.
Do I withdraw my case and worry about it later (let the creditors sue me?) Do I go with the chapter 13 and hope my payment is manageable? Do I stick with this lawyer, and hope he doesn't make another mistake?
... frustrating.
BIG MISTAKE on my part: I never asked for copies of my paperwork he submitted. I spent so much time on his questionnaire (which was more detailed,) I figured he compiled the information correctly. I only glanced over the forms when I signed. Stupid me for assuming he did them correctly.
Ten minutes before my name is called, my attorney tells me "we have a problem." He "accidentally" added my car payment twice!?!?! I no longer pass the means test!
My name is called. At this point I feel like I've got the crappiest lawyer around, and I'm angry I didn't catch the error. I'm more pissed than nervous. I was polite and professional to the trustee. I don't know if he picked up on my irritation with my lawyer. At my meeting there were two trustees, the main trustee (who conducted the meetings for everyone else,) and one additional trustee. Lucky me for the extra attention.
Apparently my lawyer listed my car payment twice, and the ownership of another car twice. The trustee had the mistakes circled. After a brief discussion I was dismissed. They assume I've got an additional $506 unaccounted for based on the paperwork. I'll be looking for other errors, now that I have copies of everything. But that doesn't help my current situation.
I've got 10 days to amend the paperwork. Which now means I have to develop a payment plan. My lawyer wants an additional $2000 (after the $1500 I've already payed) to convert this to a Chapter 13. My money is so tight now, I don't know if I can afford the $400-$500 payment for 3-5 years, plus attorney fees.
Do I withdraw my case and worry about it later (let the creditors sue me?) Do I go with the chapter 13 and hope my payment is manageable? Do I stick with this lawyer, and hope he doesn't make another mistake?
... frustrating.